
I thought of not giving any inputs to this as once it seemed things were
getting personal. But let me try once again.

Let me first understand something. Isn't this a problem that should be
discussed or voted, if required, in PMC, as this is about project
management. Why this is raised in dev list without any consent in PMC? I
know this decision will affect devs too, but ....

If its ok to discuss these issues in dev lists, without any decision in PMC,
I think it is best to cc other mailing lists too.( I can remember Dims
sending this mail to general list initially. )

Also if there is a vote can committers vote?

Please don't take any of those questions personal. I am just trying to

Please see my comments in-line.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Ajith Ranabahu

> I should kick myself for not reading Axis2 mail frequently. I just
> spent 20 minutes reading the complete thread and just throwing my 2
> cents.
> 1. I am +1 (not a vote, a token of agreement) on making Axis2 a TLP.
> I have supported the decision in the PMC and I am still in support for
> it. As Deepal says I don't understand why people are so much worried
> about making Axis2 a TLP. We have kept all the major components as
> subprojects so far and what difference would it make if we house them
> in a different place ?

Ajith, its the nature of people and you can not understand them.  I still
can not understand why you want to split. See the same argument. If we could
understand people well, then perhaps we would not have been surprised when
they selected George W for the second time ;)

Anyway, why I don't agree is I don't see a problem with the current way.
Even if there is a problem, I still don't see how things will be better if
we go to multiple TLPs.

> 2. I have to agree to Dims that we have not been active as usual.
> There are open Jira's and I haven't had time to fix the few things
> that are pending in my niche projects (XMLSchema and tcpmon) let alone
> in Axis2.

Ajith, I don't agree with you here. Axis2 now has a new breed of developers
who are happily working on various components. People will be inactive for
various reasons, but that is the nature of opensource projects.

> 3. I've been told that (before my time in Apache) that it is
> discouraged to put projects in an umbrella of functionality, say like
> in ws* or xml*. Instead Apache has embraced the
> related-or-not-related-but-interesting type of project names with
> 'projects' and not umbrellas. Just to make it clear does the words
> jackrabbit, lucene, synapse, Mina or Lenya make any hint of what the
> project actually does ? So i don't see the point of keeping Axis2
> under the umbrella of ws* anymore. if the ws* argument to hold I would
> say all other Apache projects that provide the SOAP stack capability
> should come under ws* as well (such as CXF)

Ok if your argument is about the name WS, as Deepal suggested let's rename
this to something else. Say Kurumba ;) (Ok that was meant to be a joke, just
to be clear)


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