Deepal, proposing an improvement is not saying some idea that was implemented some time ago was bad. That was the best we could do given the information we had then, but this is about improving things going forward.

There's no need to be defensive about decisions we made many years ago .. no decision is perfect and I can name at least 10 major flaws in Axis2 in hindsight. That doesn't mean we were stupid then - just means that we didn't know better. Hindsight is always 20/20.

What I'm thinking about is a way to make it MUCH MORE flexible and user friendly than it is now. Clearly, YMMV.

“When you're finished changing, you're finished.”
  .. Benjamin Franklin.


Deepal jayasinghe wrote:
we can do some thing like that Jboss does. In Jboss if you want to
deploy a web application either it should be put as .war file or under
a directory of which name ends with .war .

i.e in axis2 point of view either it should be bar.aar file or bar.aar

In my point of view always deployer should only map to an extension.
-1 , if you think the POJO deployer it can handle both .class files and
.jar files , so are you saying thats a problem.  If we have the
flexibility and if we doing that for a long time without any problem,
then we should continue to keep it as it is.
In the above way it can support both expanded and single file modes.
Hehe , seems like you are not happy with the current way  , I do not
know whether you know about the deployment mechanism we had before the
deployer concept , and do you know how much of work JAX-WS people did to
deploy their services. FYI , at Apachecon US 2007 we had a BOF session
and their they mentioned what they are doing and the difficulties of the
process , so as  solution to that problem I introduced the idea of
deployer , and whether you agree with me or not , it made the deployment
so flexible and more extensible. And I do not see a any issues with that
other thane the issue that Jarek mentioned.

Thank you!

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Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
Member; Apache Software Foundation;
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;


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