
Just an analogue to OpenVMS standards:
User programs - nothing particular - developed on 6.0 (Alpha) will run under
8.2 (Alpha) WITHOUT change, compilation or link. Only if the images are
linked against the operating system itself because they use (documented)
system internals directly, they need at least to be relinked; sometimes
recompilation is required, and in rare cases, code needs to be changed.
Between minor releases (7.3-1 => 7.3-2 for example) NO CHANGE at all is
required (unless you use undocumented fetaures or interfaces: not
recommended and totally unsupported, so it's your own responsibility. This
is generally accepted)

If a Java version changes (1.4 -> 1.5) the VM changes. That _may_ cause
problems. I would expect it to happen if the java code links into the VM
itself, and than it would be acceptable.
However, most java code will not and so I would expect it to run without any
extra activity.
Therefore, if an application, developed in Java 1.4.1 does not run in the
java 1.5 VM, AND the application does nothing "VM-internal", it SHOULD run
under 1.5. Some applications do, some don't, or might not (so the original
VM is supplied just because to be sure the application runs). So Tomcat runs
on both 1.4 and 1.5 without change? Good. I wish there were more application
that behaved that way....
It may be that the language changes - but that would always be extending the
previous standard,  and older code should still compile without changes. be
it as a separate path within the compiler, but it should be accepted; that a
waring or informational message is given is no problem.

By the way: this is definietvely not specific for java - I have seen other
environments where code breaks occur, even worse.

As for new versions of tools: A new configuration in a new version is a pain
- there can be good reasons, but it's a pain nevertheless. The job of the
maintainer of a PRODUCTION environment would be eased tremendously if there
was some kind of "compatibility mode", or a tool to do the basic
translation. Often, a new configuration imples a new terminology; worse: the
same name meaning something else. Confusion is a killer in these matters.
Probably there would be extensive explanations and yes, release notes should
be read in advance, and implications of the new version should clearly and
completely be mentioned.
But here again: only between major reeases. Tomcat 5 in completely new so I
accept it.

The same for application that rely on the tools: it should be clear -
extensively - what the implications would be, and as much translation tools
as possible should be delivered as well, or extensive documentation.

Here, I do agree that writing documentation is something completely
different that writing programs. There's quite a lot that comes together:
knowledge of the application (or tools), knowledge of the intended audience
and what they nmeed to knwo - and in what depth.
It's a skill in itself, and it should NOT be left to the developer
him/herself. He/She should have the ATTITUDE to write documentation as (less
appreciated) part of the job. The extent depends on teh target audience: if
your collegues on the job are the main users, it can be more technical, you
will eb able to explain on-the-job. If your product spreads around the
world, beyond your control, there is more elaborate documentation required.
But again: it's the developer's attitude  mostly.

Where companies that supply commercial software, documentation is part of
the product. Of course these companies can afford a staff of writers to do
the job - and do it right. Of course, in a non-commercial or low-budget
environment, you cannot. Of course the documentation suffers in both quality
and quantity, opening markets for writers and editors to fill in. The amount
of documentation grows large - and is so divers that it is virtually
impossible to find the RIGHT documentation for YOUR problem.
The same applies to the community help. I had help with my  issues because
they were rather basic. But I can fully subscribe - by experience in others
- that one small question can be ansewered by tons of answers, far too many
to handle. There may be the right, most approipate answer, but you can only
tell after having read all of them.
Apart from the tons of messages you are NOT interested in. Nice to use a
mail client that allows you use automated rules, filtering messages into a
separate location. But that is daling with symptoms, not the cause.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Bob Bateman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: vrijdag 28 oktober 2005 18:48
Onderwerp: Re: I give up

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 09:48:26 +0200
  Willem Grooters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another important issue that I read in Kurt's 
> complaints, is the incompatibility of different Java
> versions. 

I too have seen this.

However, I have to say that the incompatibility wasn't as
much with Java as it was with the tool.  For example,
Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5 are different animals.  Both run on
Java 1.4 and 1.5.  However, each has a different way of
configuring the server and the application that you
deploy.  This IS the nature of the tool - and is NOT
unique to Open-Source.

I find myself, at times, using the generic term Java to
mean the tools as well as the language.  However, my use
of Java to refer to the tools and applications I use and
make is INCORRECT.  Tomcat is NOT Java.  Nor is Axis Java
or SOAP.  They are tools.

In reading Kurt's comments, I fear he is using the term
Java to refer to many things, not just the language or the
VM.  And this is unfair.  Java 1.5 WILL run every
application I write in Java 1.4 (sans bugs in the compiler
implementation or the JVM of course...)  But Tomcat 5 will
NOT run a Tomcat 4 web application - nor should it.

The folks that write the many applications that we rely
upon go to great lengths to try to tell us what has
changed when they release a version of their software.
These patch notes and release readme's are an important
part of every piece of software - whether it's FOSS or

> Documenation is another thing. If it exists (and alone 
> that is already a problem) it should be clear and
> consistent. It often isn't: It's full of jargon, 
> too much omission of knowledge, therefore hard 
> to understand for newcomers, and asking the 
> community is not always a help: it takes too much
> time to filter what's usable and what's not, and 
> to give things a try and find out why it doesn't
> work; It's a good way of asking more specific things, 
> not the basic ones. But you NEED to if documenation 
> is simply missing.

Documentation is a problem in EVERY project, whether it's
FOSS or proprietary.

When was the last time you looked at the books on the
shelf at your local book store?  How many Java books are
there?  And much of that content describes the same
concepts and content over and over.

Creating documentation for a newbie to a project is the
most difficult thing to accomplish.  Why?  Just because
I'm a newbie to AXIS and SOAP doesn't mean I'm a newbie to
Java, Tomcat, Web Services, etc.  So the question that
each author needs to ask is:  where do I start?  And the
answer to that question is usually the focus of the

You may notice from this reply e-mail, that I can write
fairly well (although not perfectly...)  I've attempted to
write documentation and to provide additional information
to existing material.  And I can tell you from first hand
experience that writing docs is the most thankless of jobs
- especially when I'm doing it for free!

Why is it that there are so many books and publications in
existance today?  People who write well want to get
compensated for their efforts - as they should.  Look at
any hardware or software vendor.  They have *teams* of
paid writers that produce their materials.

We in the FOSS community are so blessed it isn't funny. We
have access to the best documentation that can ever
exist for a project:  the source.  But, having said that,
I can say with 100% confidence that I can't follow 99% of
the source of the Axis project.  It's not that I'm stupid,
or that the author of the code I'm looking at is so much
smarter than I am (although I'm sure that's true!)

My problem is putting into context the code I'm looking at
in relation to the problem/task I'm attempting to solve.
And no matter how well the code is documented, it's never

Another problem all products have with their documentation
is you must almost be an expert with the tool before you
can really write the documentation.  Because who knows the
tool better than the expert that created it?  And writing 
documentation is not something most developers like to do.


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