are you getting any stack trace.
if not put all your jars to axis lib and run the wsdl2java tool.
see whether you can get any stack trace.


On Nov 7, 2007 11:12 AM, Pantvaidya, Vishwajit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -          I downloaded the latest nightly Axis2 1.3 build (dated
> 06-Nov-2007)
> -          included the relevant axis2 jars into my lib space (which has
> other non-axis jars that I need)
> -          then running wsdl2java using my ant task gave following error:
> o        [java] Error on line -1
> o        [java]   Error reported by XML parser: Premature end of file.
> -          Ant build gave "completed successfully" message and some java
> code has got built from the wsdl, it seems to be ok – I need to look in more
> detail.
> I have following questions:
> -          I then ran wsdl2java with only the axis nightly build jars (i.e.
> deleted other non-axis jars from my lib space) and it worked fine without
> any errors. So this seems to be a jar conflict issue. Does anyone know
> offhand what jar conflicts can cause above error?
> -          I was not getting this error with the regular 1.3 download – so
> is this jar conflict introduced by any changes since 1.3?
> Looking into this, I think that Sun bundling apache classes into java 1.4.2
> and 5.0 rt.jar adds uncertainty into which classes are getting used by
> wsdl2java. Any thoughts how I can improve upon this and get some certainty?
>  ________________________________
> From: Amila Suriarachchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 8:34 PM
>  To:
>  Subject: Re: [Axis2] 1.3 wsdl2java generates code with missing methods
> yes, now the nighly build should have this.
> On 11/6/07, Pantvaidya, Vishwajit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Amila,
> Should I try the latest nightly build now if the fix has been checked in?
> - Vish.
>  ________________________________
> From: Pantvaidya, Vishwajit [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 10:43 AM
>  To:
>  Subject: RE: [Axis2] 1.3 wsdl2java generates code with missing methods
> Thanks Amila. Can you let me know which nightly build I should take to try
> out the fix?
>  ________________________________
> From: Amila Suriarachchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 4:57 AM
>  To:
>  Subject: Re: [Axis2] 1.3 wsdl2java generates code with missing methods
> I have fixed this issue locally. will commit soon.
>  Amila.
> On 10/25/07, Pantvaidya, Vishwajit <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> A quick clarification – the MessageReceiverInOut class generated by
> wsdl2java contains references to the missing methods. As this is an
> autogenerated class, I do not want to edit it myself to remove these
> problems.
> Any insights?
>  ________________________________
> From: Pantvaidya, Vishwajit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 5:25 PM
>  To:
>  Subject: Axis2 1.3 wsdl2java generates code with missing methods
> I am using wsdl2java to generate java code from a wsdl using wsdl2java
> options "-o -ss -sd -ssi -f -uw -uri -ns2p". The result includes a
> MessageReceiverInOut class that is missing a method resulting in a
> compiletime error "method wrapIsUploadAllowed(OperationStatusType) is
> undefined for the type …MessageReceiverInOut".
> I observed that this seems to happen when wsdl parts in different messages
> refer to the same complex type. In such cases, the wrap methods in the
> MessageReceiver class for the first operation is created while that for the
> other one is not created. E.g. in this case the method
> wrapUpload(OperationStatusType) gets created while
> wrapIsUploadAllowed(OperationStatusType) is missing.
> Wsdl snippet is included below.
> Is this a bug?
>                                     <s:complexType
> name="OperationStatusType">
>                                                 <s:sequence>
>                                                             <s:element
> name="successFlag" type="s:boolean"/>
>                                                             <s:element
> name="messageLevel" type="s:string"/>
>                                                             <s:element
> name="messageCode" type="s:string"/>
>                                                             <s:element
> name="message" type="s:string"/>
>                                                 </s:sequence>
>                                     </s:complexType>
>                                     <s:element name="OperationStatusElement"
> type="tns:OperationStatusType"/>
>                                     <s:element name="UploadRequestElement">
>                                                 <s:complexType>
>                                                             <s:sequence>
> <s:element name="sessiontoken" type="s:string"/>
> <s:element name="trackingnumber" type="s:string"/>
> <s:element name="version" type="s:int"/>
>                                                             </s:sequence>
>                                                 </s:complexType>>
>                                     </s:element>
>                                     <s:element
> name="IsUploadAllowedRequestElement">
>                                                 <s:complexType>
>                                                             <s:sequence>
> <s:element name="SessionToken" type="s:string"></s:element>
> <s:element name="TrackingNumber" type="s:string"></s:element>
> <s:element name="Version" type="s:int"></s:element>
>                                                             </s:sequence>
>                                                 </s:complexType>
>                                     </s:element>
> …         <wsdl:message name="UploadRequest">
>                         <wsdl:part name="uploadrequest"
> element="tns:UploadRequestElement"></wsdl:part>
>             </wsdl:message>
>             <wsdl:message name="UploadResponse">
>                         <wsdl:part name="uploadoperationstatus"
> element="tns:OperationStatusElement"></wsdl:part>
>             </wsdl:message>
>             <wsdl:message name="IsUploadAllowedRequest">
>                         <wsdl:part name="uploadcheckrequest"
> element="tns:IsUploadAllowedRequestElement"></wsdl:part>
>             </wsdl:message>
>             <wsdl:message name="IsUploadAllowedResponse">
>                         <wsdl:part name="uploadcheckoperationstatus"
> element="tns:OperationStatusElement"></wsdl:part>
>             </wsdl:message>
> …
>                         <wsdl:operation name="Upload">
>                                     <wsdl:input
> message="tns:UploadRequest"></wsdl:input>
>                                     <wsdl:output
> message="tns:UploadResponse"></wsdl:output>
>                         </wsdl:operation>
>                         <wsdl:operation name="IsUploadAllowed">
>                                     <wsdl:input
> message="tns:IsUploadAllowedRequest"></wsdl:input>
>                                     <wsdl:output
> message="tns:IsUploadAllowedResponse"></wsdl:output>
>                         </wsdl:operation>
> …
>                         <soap:binding
> transport=""; style="document"/>
>                         <wsdl:operation name="Upload">
>                                     <soap:operation soapAction=""
> style="document"/>
>                                     <wsdl:input>
>                                                 <soap:body use="literal"/>
>                                     </wsdl:input>
>                                     <wsdl:output>
>                                                 <soap:body use="literal"/>
>                                     </wsdl:output>
>                         </wsdl:operation>
>                         <wsdl:operation name="IsUploadAllowed">
>                                     <soap:operation soapAction=""
> style="document"/>
>                                     <wsdl:input>
>                                                 <soap:body use="literal"/>
>                                     </wsdl:input>
>                                     <wsdl:output>
>                                                 <soap:body use="literal"/>
>                                     </wsdl:output>
>                         </wsdl:operation>
> …
>  --
>  Amila Suriarachchi,
>  WSO2 Inc.
>  --
>  Amila Suriarachchi,
>  WSO2 Inc.

Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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