what I know is:
surely rampart is message level security... end to end security...
transport level security is like TLS/SSL,,, point to point security...

about your sample,,, yes... that is message level security...
only A and C should be able to read the message... in theory...

hope it help...

if someone had a more knowledge,,, please,,, give-me more samples...

shams jawaid escreveu:
hi there, i am currently confused about the difference between message level and transport level security. I want to know whether i have setup message layer security on my pc or not. I have a setup with axis2 and rampart on my pc, which fully signs and encrypts the SOAP messages. what type of security am i implementing, transport or message level? does a message always need to be partially encrypted for an intended recipient for it to be declared message level security? what if the message is fully encrypted, but is also only intended for a specific recipient? for example, if A is sending a message to C, and it is passing through B, but is fully encrypted for C, and B cannot read it, is that message level security?

if i have a completely wrong idea of message level security, please can someone explain exactly what it is. lastly, if i am not doing message level security in my setup, is it possible to do message level security with rampart? Thanks!

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