Hi Vincent
> 1.  I've read some posts stating that the implementation has been
> pulled from axis2, and now exists in the ws-commons subproject.
>     I've looked in the XmlSchema, AXIOM, ws-commons-java5 and Neethi,
> but can't seem to find the implementation. Am I looking in the right
> place, if not, please let me know where I can find the jar. I'm
> assuming once it's found, it's a simple matter of including it in the
> lib directory of axis 2.
> 2. I've noticed some people have had luck with MQ. If there are any
> tutorials regarding the procedures I would be grateful. (Most of the
> stuff I've seen is based on older versions and seem to be reliant on
> features on 4.1 or older of axis2. If they're still relevant, that's
> fine, but I don't want to assume.
The transport is against the JMS API, so as long as your MQ version
works well in JMS 1.0/1.1, things should be fine


Asankha C. Perera
AdroitLogic, http://adroitlogic.org


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