
Nightly builds are available from [1]. However, I'm not sure if these
are builds of the trunk (the current development version) or the
branch (the code that will become version 1.0). A guess it's the
trunk. However, for the JMS transport there should not be much
difference between the two.



On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 20:12, Vincent DiPrenda
<> wrote:
> Thanks Andreas,
> I'm assuming the code in the ws-commons will be available for use as a jar 
> file under the Axis2 environment. Is that also available to preview at this 
> point?
> Asankha was kind enough to send me the a link to the source of the JMS 
> transport code, but I'm not quite sure of how it's indented to be integrated.
> Thanks
> Vinnie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Veithen []
> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SOAP/JMS Implementation on 5.1 (IBM MQ) questions.
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 15:46, Vincent DiPrenda 
> <> wrote:
>> I'm new to this forum, and have been searching for details of the
>> implementation of SOAP/JMS.
>> I've got a few questions, if somebody will be kind enough to help me out.
>> 1.  I've read some posts stating that the implementation has been
>> pulled from axis2, and now exists in the ws-commons subproject.
>>     I've looked in the XmlSchema, AXIOM, ws-commons-java5 and Neethi,
>> but can't seem to find the implementation. Am I looking in the right
>> place, if not, please let me know where I can find the jar. I'm
>> assuming once it's found, it's a simple matter of including it in the lib 
>> directory of axis 2.
> We are in the process of releasing the transports. Since it is the first 
> release at its new home, there is no site yet. A preview is available at [1].
> [1]
>> 2. I've noticed some people have had luck with MQ. If there are any
>> tutorials regarding the procedures I would be grateful. (Most of the
>> stuff I've seen is based on older versions and seem to be reliant on
>> features on
>> 4.1 or older of axis2. If they're still relevant, that's fine, but I
>> don't want to assume.
>> That should be enough to get me started.
>> Thanks,
>> Vinnie

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