>But I see that it seems to absolutely need an attachment direcory, and
>probably a WEB-INF directory. Is there no way to drive axis without any
>filesystem access? After all, I'm just trying to handle JAX RPC calls -
>needing a filesystem for procedure calls is a bit a joke,

Does it have to be a physical file system?

the WEB-INF dir will be to store the server deployment config file; axis
needs some form of persistence there. But I am sure it can/should be
refactored out, so that it could persistent differently (to a DB, to an LDAP
server, etc). Just a little exercise for the dedicated developer.

>I find (quote
>from the SOAP spec: '... *lightweight* ...' - I'm sure I read that).

must have been a typo :) I bet it will be out of the 1.2 spec. Maybe they
will rename the 'S' in SOAP to stand for something other than Simple too?


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