
I am using AxKit on RH 9. I have an installation documentation (in a simple XML-Format) from the scratch (including a kickstart file).

If anyone of you is interested in this documentation please let me know and I see that I can put only the documentation within the next week.



Am Montag, 14.07.03, um 23:20 Uhr (Europe/Paris) schrieb Peter Flynn:

On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 01:59, S Woodside wrote:
IME learning about the idiosyncracies of perl installations, @INC,
etc., etc. are essential to running axkit unfortunately.

Not unfortunately. I'm more than happy to learn about them if I could only find somewhere where they are documented. But simply saying "the documentation is on the Perl web site" as one poster told me is less than useful. There seems to be very little on how to get rid of Perl in preparation for a clean install. And finding where @INC is defined is obviously one of those well-hidden tricks only to be revealed after much fasting and prayer :-)

Also IME it's much safer to build your own {everything} rather than
using debian packages, RPMs, fink, etc. when it comes to using AxKit.

It could be useful to document this at an early stage on the AxKit site (unless I missed it).

Has anyone ever used AxKit successfully on RH9? You might always want
to try checking out if there are any perl on RH9 mailing lists.

Not to my knowledge.

have you seen this


Yep. Useful to know, thanks.

BTW you know that apache has some helpful reporting it can do about the
mod_perl installation on a webpage right?

That too. But the current problem is getting a working Perl (that supports mod_perl *and* AxKit) to replace the current mix of RH9 RPM, RH8 RPM, and source-built 5.8.0 which is the hard bit...and being *sure* that there are no nasty undocumented funnies left hanging around.


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