On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Peter Flynn wrote:

> > Also IME it's much safer to build your own {everything} rather than
> > using debian packages, RPMs, fink, etc. when it comes to using AxKit.
> It could be useful to document this at an early stage on the AxKit
> site (unless I missed it).

I won't put that on the site because I totally disagree with it, and it
would put people off.

As a recent poster showed, it is possible to get AxKit to build quite
cleanly on RH9, but I have a feeling you've now screwed your installation
so royally that you may need to reformat and start again. Never ever try
and "hack" an RPM distribution to get it to work - it always ends in pain.

<!-- Matt -->
<:->get a SMart net</:->
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