In all fairness it seems quite straightforward as you explain it here. 

On Wednesday 14 January 2004 4:34 am, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On 13 Jan 2004, at 14:35, Frej Rasmussen wrote:
> > Maybe a stupid question. But i couldn't figure it out.
> > The perform taglib states:
> > "Starting with AxKit 1.6.1 it is possible to specify a class which your
> > XSP page inherits from. All the validate, load, submit and cancel
> > functions can be in the class you inherit from, reducing code
> > duplication, memory usage, and complexity."
> >
> > But i would really like to see a code example.
> Yeah, I'd like to document this better too...
> The basic premise is to add an attribute: base-class="My::XSP::Page" to
> your <xsp:page> root tag. Then you define a package/class:
>    package My::XSP::Page;
>    use base qw(Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page);
>    1;
> Then in that package you can put your perform functions. If more than
> one XSP page inherits from that class they get to share the code.
> Just put that class as a .pm file in your perl modules directory and it
> all should "just work". Better still, add a line:
>    PerlModule My::XSP::Page
> into your httpd.conf and that module gets loaded at startup and its
> memory shared across all perl interpreters.
> Someone might want to add a Wiki page about this - the original design
> is at but it's not
> really linked from anywhere, and is more of a design than a guide to
> using XSP inheritance - I'd be happy for someone to replace that page
> with something more akin to what I've written above, and link to it
> from somewhere.
> Matt.
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Tod Harter
Giant Electronic Brain

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