Congratulations Kip - well done on a major achievement.


Piers Harding.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 09:38:29AM -0700, Kip Hampton wrote:
> Howdy Axers,
> Yes, the rumors are (finally) true...
> _XML Publishing with AxKit_ has been published and is now available at 
> bookseller near you! For more information, please see the Table of 
> Contents below and visit:
> I did my best to make sure that book has something for everyone, 
> regardless of their familiarity with AxKit. New users will find detailed 
> but concise coverage of the common topics of XML-based publishing, as 
> well as need-to-know level introductions to XSLT, XPathScript, and XSP. 
> AxKit veterans will find advanced publishing techniques, exhaustive API 
> references for each of AxKit components, and clear strategies for (and 
> examples of) how to extend AxKit to meet new or specialized requirements.
> It is my sincerest hope that the book will not only help to inform the 
> current members of the AxKit community, but will serve as a tool for 
> AxKit advocacy and means for developing a larger and stronger community 
> in the future.
> If you pick up a copy (I know some folks here already have) be sure to 
> share your thoughts by posting reviews on your favorite tech site or 
> blog of choice-- the more people that know about AxKit, the more likely 
> they are to leave their creaky 20th century tools behind.
> Thanks for enduring my little pitch; we now return you to your regularly 
> scheduled AxKitting, already in progress...
> Cheers,
> -kip
> ps. I'll be giving a session talk on AxKit at O'Reilly's Open Source 
> Convention next week in Portland. If you are attending OSCon (you are, 
> aren't you???), feel free to drop by and say 'Hi' (and maybe even get 
> your book signed :-).
> Table of Contents:
> Preface
> 1. XML as a Publishing Technology
>       Exploding a Few Myths About XML Publishing
>       XML Basics
>       Publishing XML Content
>       Introducing AxKit, an XML Application Server for Apache
> 2. Installing AxKit
>       Installation Requirements
>       Installing the AxKit Core
>       Installing AxKit on Win 32 Systems
>       Basic Server Configuration
>       Testing the Installation
>       Installation Troubleshooting
> 3. Your First XML Web Site
>       Preparation
>       Creating the Source XML Documents
>       Writing the Stylesheet
>       Associating the Documents with the Stylesheet
>       A Step Further: Syndicating Content
> 4. Points of Style
>       Adding Transformation Language Modules
>       Defining Style Processors
>       Dynamically Choosing Style Transformations
>       Style Processor Configuration Cheatsheet
> 5. Transforming XML Content with XSLT
>       XSLT Basics
>       A Brief XSLT Cookbook
> 6. Transforming XML Content with XPathScript
>       XPathScript Basics
>       The Template Hash: A Closer Look
>       XPathScript Cookbook
> 7. Serving Dynamic XML Content
>       Introduction to eXtensible Server Pages
>       Other Dynamic XML Techniques
> 8. Extending AxKit
>       AxKit's Architecture
>       Custom Plug-ins
>       Custom Providers
>       Custom Language Modules
>       Custom ConfigReaders
>       Getting More Information
> 9. Integrating AxKit with Other Tools
>       The Template Toolkit
>       Providing Content via Apache::Filter
> Appendix: AxKit Configuration Directive Reference
> Index
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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