I have a Clara Holmes born 1869 Provincetown her parents are Joseph
Holmes born about 1837 married In Provincetown to Maria A Rigers from
Faial one record mentions them being from Faial another says Pico,
came up up empty for both Islands:

First Generation

        1.      Clara Holmes  was born in 1869 in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

1880 census she app[ears with her father JosephHolmes ana Mary Holmes age 11

Clara married Manuel Vieira  son of Antonio Vieira on 10 Jan 1885 in
Provincetown, Massachusetts. Manuel was born in 1848 in Pico, Açores.

Second Generation

        2.      Joseph Holmes  was born in 1839 in Pico, Açores. He married 
Mary A
on 22 Oct 1862 in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

        3.      Mary A  was born in Pico, Açores.

Third Generation

        4.      Antone Holmes  was born in Pico, Açores. He married Maria A.

        5.      Maria A  was born in Pico, Açores.

        6.      Joseph Rogers  was born in Pico, Açores. He married Ziah.

        7.      Ziah (Zaida or Zelia) was born in Pico, Açores.

Rogers could Rocha or Rodrigues i have seen both names that became Rogers

Cant find either family the Vieira or the Holmes (Homem) on either
Island on line I'm going to recheck the microfilms

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Jacki G <ja...@cdmmarketing.com> wrote:
> Eugenia,
> Thank you very much. That's great information to have.
> Jacki
> -----Original Message-----
> From: azores@googlegroups.com [mailto:azo...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
> Eugenia
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 4:40 PM
> To: Azores Genealogy
> Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Unfamiliar Surname
> Jacki,
> I found the following in my Portuguese Names and Their Meanings for the name
> I hope this helps in your research.
> Eugenia
> =====================================
> Homem -
> There is Armorial for the name.
>  Homem, Home -
> Before 1474, two noblemen, Joao Vaz Corte Real and Alvaro Martins Homem,
> reached Greenland or Newfoundland which they called Codfish Land (Terra dos
> Baclhaus).  Others had followed by the 1480s.  One of them was Fernao Dulm,
> tried to find the Island of the Seven Cities.
>  Information is from the book:
> A.H. De Oliveira Marques, HISTORY OF PORTUGAL, Columbia University Press,
> 1972, page 221.
>  In Portuguese and Holmes in American as surnames
>  Information is from:
> Doug da Rocha Holmes, "NAMING TRADITIONS, SURNAME TYPES",  OProgresso, Dece.
> 1995, Vol. 14, No. 4, page 10.
>  Homem, means "Man".
>  Information is from the Newsletter:
> Joe Souza, O PROGRESSO, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1996,  NAMING TRADITIONS (PART
> III), by Doug Da Rocha Holmes, page 9
>  Homem - change to Forjaz.
>  Homem - Derive from Pereira.
>  Information is from the book:
> James H. Guill, A HISTORY OF THE AZORES ISLANDS, Golden Shield
> International, Vol. 5, 1993, page 203, 209.
>  Homem - This is a and surname commonly used in Portuguese and Brazilian
> Portuguese.
>  Information is from:
> BASIC PORTUGUESE PALEOGRAPHY, The Genealogical Department of the Church of
> Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Series II, No., 20, 1978, page 27.
>  Homem - is a family name of a early Portuguese immigrant in California.
>  Information is from:
> Carlos Almeida, PORTUGUESE IMMIGRANTS, Published by: The Supreme Council of
> U.P.E.C., San Leandro, CA,1978, page 269.
>  Holmes - Anglicized (English).  Homem - Portuguese family name.
>  Homen - Anglicized (English).  Homem - Portuguese family name.
>  Information is from:
> Carlos Almeida, PORTUGUESE IMMIGRANTS, Published by: The Supreme Council of
> U.P.E.C., San Leandro, CA,1978, page 272.
> --
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