Hello Herb.Hello HebI'll try again!Here is what I think that I can make out. 
Aos vinte e seis dias do mes de Marco do ano de mil oito centos e secenta e 
nove nesta Igreja Parochial do Santo Bom Jesus do lugar de Rabo de Peixe 
Concelho ??????? da Ribeira Grande Diocese de Angra batisei solenemente um 
individuo do sexo masculino a quem deu o nome de Manuel e pais moradores nesta 
Freguesia as doze horas da manha de vinte do corrente mes e ano filho legitimo 
de Jose do Amaral campones e de Rosa Jacinta fiadeira.Nasty one!The rest has 
been covered  I think, so I' stop here.Hope that helps.God Bless.Hermano
 Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 09:18:47 -0500
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation Help
From: margaretvice...@gmail.com
To: azores@googlegroups.com

sorry Herb, I see something like a date at the bottom of the first page but 
can't discern it because of the smudged writing.  I also looked for the word 
"nasceu" and couldn't see it also...perhaps someone else will be able to help.


On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Herb <herbandj...@verizon.net> wrote:

Thank you so much Hermano and Mara. I really appreciate it. Does it show the 
actual date of birth?  I think it says the baprism was on 26 May1869, but I 
can't find the birthn date.


On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:02:37 PM UTC-5, Hermano C. Pires wrote:

Hello Herb
Here is what I can make out:
Manuel son of Jose  do Amaral and Rosa Jacinta, paternal grandparents Jose do 
Amaral and Francisca Rosa and maternal grandparents Pedro da Silva and Barbara 
Francisca. Godfather Jose Joaquim da Costa and godmother Francisca de Jesus.

Hope that helps.

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 17:29:30 -0800
From: herba...@verizon.net
To: azo...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation Help

I spent several hours today at the FHC here in Virginia where I live. I finally 
found the record I was looking for but I couldn't make it out completely.  I 
can read Portuguese, what I don't have is good eyesight. I asked the Vounteer 
if I could print the record but was told the printer has been out of order for 
years with no plans to repair it.  The only thing I could do was take a photo 
with my I phone ( attached)and hope I can somehow make out all the names at a 
later time. 

Aos vinte seis dias do mes de Marco do ano de mil oite centos e sesenta e nove 
nesta igreja Parochial de Bom Jesus de Rabo de Peixe,  conselho de Ribeira 
Grande, Diocesa de Angra, nasceu solemente um indidividuo do sexo masculino, 
que dao o nome  de Manuel, filho legitimo de Jose Amaral, campones,  e de Rosa 
Jacinta, domestica, neto paterno de Jose De Amaral e (Francisca Rosa ???) e 
materno de (????) e Barbara ???. Foi padrinho Jose Joaquin da Costa casado.

Anyway the translation goes like this.  
On the 26th of March of the year 1869, in this parish of Bom Jesus, Rabo de 
Peixe, county of Ribeira Grande, Diocese of Angra do Heroismo ( the diocese 
seat is in Terceira) was born an individual of the masculine sex who was given 
the name of Manuel, legitimate son of Jose Amaral, laborer/farmer and Rosa 
Jacinta, domestic, paternal grandson of Jose de Amaral and Francisca Rosa??? 
and maternal grandson of ???? and Barbara???.  The godftaher was Jose Joaquim 
da Costa, married laborer/farmer.

I was hoping soemnone in the group might be able to discern the names, I can't. 
 It's a shame because i can make out pretyy much the entire document, but not 
all of the names. anyway I thought I would give it a shot and ask.

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