See below in purple and bold.Hermano
 Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 21:39:30 -0800
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help

I have found the baptismal record for my grandfather, Seraphim born in 1873 in 
Lagoa - Nossa Senhora do Rosario.  He was "exposta".  I have ordered the DNA 
kit to see if it might provide some clues, but in the meantime I would greatly 
appreciate help translating the baptismal record to see if it contains anything 
useful.  I do not speak Portuguese.  The record is Rosario, Baptismos 1870-1879 
> 1873 > 0039. This is a link:

He is record #72 which goes through to the next page. 
This is what I was able to decipher:
On the 26th day of the month of July in the year
one thousand eight hundred seventy three in the parish church
___________ Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, district of Villa de Lagoa,
Diocese of Angra, I baptized solemnly an individual of the male sex to whom
I gave the name Seraphim, who without any identification was found on the 
public wheel "roda publica" on this same day, month and year

godfather John Joaquim Ferreira, married, "sacristao" (sexton, priest's helper) 
residing on Canada Velha (Old Lane), and
godmother Albina Pacheco, married, housewife, residing in the Parish of Nossa 
Senhora dos Anjos, Agua de Pau     (Where did this come from? Ursula de Jesus, 
married, __________, resident of the parish of
__________________________________. ) That is the best that you re going to do 
for birth date
Luci Morris-Tyndall researching Moraes (or Morais on San Miguel), and Machado & 
Fonseca on Pico)


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