My Furtado Cardoso great grandparents were first cousins on Pico....their line 
is FILLED with cousin marriages....over and over through the generations. While 
there are no obvious problems from this I suspect that things like diabetes and 
heart disease are increased in these close lines. their daughter married a man 
whose parents were from Sao Jorge and Santa Maria....their son, my father 
married my mom whose complete line is from Sao Jorge......I've found many 
surnames between my mom's Sao Jorge line and my dad's fathers Sao Jorge 
line......cousins? Maybe distant ones....I don't know.
I read that Flores has the highest incidence of Machado Joseph disease found 
among the Azorean people and it is attributed to the frequency of inbreeding. 
Sometimes things are ok....sometimes not.
Nancy Jean
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 13:42:28 -0700
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] related in the second degree

Cousin Marriages are common on Flores because it is such a small Island. I have 
cousin marriages on both sides of my family tree. If the genes are good, 
superior decendants can be produced. I have some first cousins on my father's 
side that married. One of their children married the child of another first 
cousin of mine making them second cousins who married. This couple had 4 
children all of whom are college graduates. One of these four children is now a 
professor at Boston University.

John Vasconcelos

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:31 PM,  <> wrote:

I ran across an old document I had translated about 15 years ago and took 
another look.
My first notation was that this couple was related in the second degree. I 
never noted whether it was by consanguinity or affinity.But usually if I didn't 
note it, it was by consanguinity.

Well, my second look proved important because I had missed an important word 
"duplicado" (duplicate).
In case you never knew, this means not only they were first cousins, but first 
cousins in two different ways.
If you think about it, that means they each shared all four of their 
grandparents. They had no ancestors other than what they shared.Talk about 
Who was this couple? It was the Capitão-mor of Angra. The highest military rank 
His name was Manuel Homem da Costa e Noronha Ponce de Leão.
Find him in any Terceira nobility book to see his illustrious ancestry.
One might wonder whether their children were born healthy. Well, I don't know 
all the facts yet, but I do know they had 10 children.
Three possibly died young - at least I haven't yet noticed them listed as 
adults at marriage or as godparents.A few seemed to  have average life spans of 
at least 60 years. Not yet sure of the rest.

I do know they have many descendants today, including some of my cousins.
Just think how this combined DNA might affect the Family Finder results.

I just thought it was interesting.

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist


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