Hello I Have a friend that grandson of Maria Gilda Miranda de Resendes, the 
sister of Manuel de Resendes that stay in Ponta Delgada, I m helping him in 
his genealogy. and I have this:

Page 3
Generation of Peers
1. MARIA GILDA MIRANDA RESENDES (The subject of this report) was born on 11 
November 1920, in Ponta Delgada, to
Manuel de Resendes3 and Alexandrina da Glória RAPOSO4, as shown in family 
tree 1. Maria died in January 1990, aged
2. JOSÉ FURTADO DO COUTO (Maria's husband) was born about 1920, in Porto 
Formoso. José died on 30 December
1974, aged about 54, in Ponta Delgada.
José Furtado do COUTO, when younger than 24, married Maria Gilda Miranda 
RESENDES1, when younger than 24,
before 1945.
Generation of Parents
3. MANUEL DE RESENDES (Maria's father) was born in 1869, in Ponta Delgada, 
to Bento de RESENDES5 and Emilia
Augusta RAPOSO6, as shown in family tree 2. Manuel died in 1927, aged about 
4. ALEXANDRINA DA GLÓRIA RAPOSO (Maria's mother) was born to Joaquim de 
MIRANDA7 and Margarida Julia
RAPOSO8, as shown in family tree 3.
Manuel de Resendes3, aged about 22, married Alexandrina da Glória RAPOSO on 
23 November 1891 in São Pedro,
Ponta delgada. They had one daughter:
Maria Gilda Miranda RESENDES1 in 1920
This family is shown as family tree 1.
Generation of Grandparents
5. BENTO DE RESENDES (Maria's grandfather) was born in 1846, in São Pedro, 
Ponta delgada, to António Jacinto de
RESENDES9 and Francisca Miquelina Unknown10, as shown in family tree 4. 
Bento is no longer living.
6. EMILIA AUGUSTA RAPOSO (Maria's grandmother) was born in 1847, in São 
Pedro, Ponta delgada, to Francisco
RAPOSO11 and Escolastica Julia Unknown12, as shown within family tree 2. 
Emilia is no longer living.
Bento de RESENDES5, aged about 22, married Emilia Augusta RAPOSO, aged 
about 21, on 6 August 1868 in São
Pedro, Ponta delgada. They had one son:
Manuel de Resendes3 in 1869
This family is shown as family tree 2.
7. JOAQUIM DE MIRANDA (Maria's grandfather) was born in 1840 to Jacinto 
José de MIRANDA13 and Margarida Julia
RAPOSO14, as shown within family tree 3. Joaquim is no longer living.
8. MARGARIDA JULIA RAPOSO (Maria's grandmother) was born in 1852 to Manuel 
de Jesus RAPOSO15 and Antónia
Jacinta Unknown16, as shown within family tree 1. Margarida is no longer 
Joaquim de MIRANDA7, aged about 31, married Margarida Julia RAPOSO, aged 
about 19, on 20 August 1871 in
São Pedro, Ponta delgada. They had one daughter:
Alexandrina da Glória RAPOSO4
This family is shown as family tree 3.
Generation of Great-Grandparents
9. ANTÓNIO JACINTO DE RESENDES (Maria's great-grandfather) was born to 
Francisco José de Sousa RESENDES17 and
Ana Joaquina XAVIER18, as shown within family tree 4.
10. FRANCISCA MIQUELINA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-grandmother) was born to 
Pedro de CARVALHO20 and Francisca
Maria Unknown21, as shown within family tree 2.
António Jacinto de RESENDES9 married Francisca Miquelina Unknown on 8 
November 1831 in São Pedro, Ponta
delgada. They had one son:
Bento de RESENDES5 in 1846
This family is shown as family tree 4.
Page 4
Maria Gilda Miranda RESENDES Direct Relations
11. FRANCISCO RAPOSO (Maria's great-grandfather) was born to João RAPOSO22 
and Ludovina Cândida Unknown23, as
shown within family tree 2.
12. ESCOLASTICA JULIA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-grandmother) was born to 
Manuel de SOUSA24 and Maria dos Anjos
Unknown25, as shown within family tree 2.
Francisco RAPOSO11 married Escolastica Julia Unknown on 4 June 1846 in São 
Pedro, Ponta delgada. They had one
Emilia Augusta RAPOSO6 in 1847
This family is shown within family tree 2.
13. JACINTO JOSÉ DE MIRANDA (Maria's great-grandfather) was born in Matriz, 
Ponta Delgada to António de
MIRANDA26 and Maria Francisca Unknown27, as shown within family tree 3.
14. MARGARIDA JULIA RAPOSO (Maria's great-grandmother) was born to António 
RAPOSO28 and Inácia Joaquina29, as shown within family tree 3.
Jacinto José de MIRANDA13 married Margarida Julia RAPOSO on 9 November 1828 
in São Pedro, Ponta delgada.
They had one son:
Joaquim de MIRANDA7 in 1840
This family is shown within family tree 3.
15. MANUEL DE JESUS RAPOSO (Maria's great-grandfather) was born in São 
Pedro, Ponta delgada.
16. ANTÓNIA JACINTA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-grandmother) was born in São 
Roque, Ponta Delgada.
Manuel de Jesus RAPOSO15 married Antónia Jacinta Unknown. They had one 
Margarida Julia RAPOSO8 in 1852
This family is shown within family tree 1.
Generation of Great-Great-Grandparents
17. FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE SOUSA RESENDES (Maria's great-great-grandfather) was 
born to José de SOUSA30 and Maria
Rosa Unknown31, as shown within family tree 4.
Francisco married twice. He was married to Ana Joaquina XAVIER18 and Ana 
Joaquina de ALMEIDA19.
18. ANA JOAQUINA XAVIER (Maria's great-great-grandmother) was born to 
Francisco XAVIER32 and Eugénia
Unknown33, as shown within family tree 4. Ana died before 26 May 1844 in 
São Pedro, Ponta delgada.
Francisco José de Sousa RESENDES17 married Ana Joaquina XAVIER on 23 
September 1812 in São Pedro, Ponta
delgada. They had one son:
António Jacinto de RESENDES9
This family is shown within family tree 4.
19. ANA JOAQUINA DE ALMEIDA (Maria's step-great-great-grandmother).
Francisco José de Sousa RESENDES17 married Ana Joaquina de ALMEIDA on 26 
May 1844 in São Pedro, Ponta
20. PEDRO DE CARVALHO (Maria's great-great-grandfather).
21. FRANCISCA MARIA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-great-grandmother).
Page 5
Maria Gilda Miranda RESENDES Direct Relations
Pedro de CARVALHO20 married Francisca Maria Unknown. They had one daughter:
Francisca Miquelina Unknown10
This family is shown within family tree 2.
22. JOÃO RAPOSO (Maria's great-great-grandfather).
23. LUDOVINA CÂNDIDA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-great-grandmother).
João RAPOSO22 married Ludovina Cândida Unknown. They had one son:
Francisco RAPOSO11
This family is shown within family tree 2.
24. MANUEL DE SOUSA (Maria's great-great-grandfather).
25. MARIA DOS ANJOS UNKNOWN (Maria's great-great-grandmother).
Manuel de SOUSA24 married Maria dos Anjos Unknown. They had one daughter:
Escolastica Julia Unknown12
This family is shown within family tree 2.
26. ANTÓNIO DE MIRANDA (Maria's great-great-grandfather).
27. MARIA FRANCISCA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-great-grandmother).
António de MIRANDA26 married Maria Francisca Unknown. They had one son:
Jacinto José de MIRANDA13
This family is shown within family tree 3.
28. ANTÓNIO RAPOSO (Maria's great-great-grandfather).
29. INÁCIA JOAQUINA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-great-grandmother).
António RAPOSO28 married Inácia Joaquina Unknown. They had one daughter:
Margarida Julia RAPOSO14
This family is shown within family tree 3.
Generation of Great-Great-Great-Grandparents
30. JOSÉ DE SOUSA (Maria's great-great-great-grandfather).
31. MARIA ROSA UNKNOWN (Maria's great-great-great-grandmother).
José de SOUSA30 married Maria Rosa Unknown. They had one son:
Francisco José de Sousa RESENDES17
This family is shown within family tree 4.
32. FRANCISCO XAVIER (Maria's great-great-great-grandfather).
33. EUGÉNIA  (Maria's great-great-great-grandmother).
Francisco XAVIER32 married Eugénia Unknown. They had one daughter:
Ana Joaquina XAVIER18
This family is shown within family tree 4.

sexta-feira, 31 de Março de 2017 às 15:03:20 UTC, Di escreveu:
> Hi everyone!
> I'm new to the group and this is my first post. In reading your posts & 
> replies, I'm so impressed with the depth of knowledge here and the 
> commitment & dedication to the research!  And special appreciation to Cheri 
> Mello for managing the listserv - what a labor of love.  
> Here's what I'm trying to figure out:
> My great-grandfather, *Manuel Rezendes (Resendes)* was born in Ponta 
> Delgada around 1869.  He died in Ponta Delgada in 1927.  I have a document 
> from the American Consulate, "Report on the Death of An American Citizen" 
> about him.  So we know at some point, he was granted citizenship, even 
> though he never took advantage of it.   
> It's 'derivative papers,' meaning that the grant of citizenship was for 
> him and his children.  So his five children were born with Portuguese AND 
> US citizenship - which is how my avô and his brothers emigrated without 
> having to be naturalized.
> On the passenger manifest for the ship my avô came over on, he is listed 
> as a US citizen (under 'Court of Naturalization,' it lists his home address 
> and the notation *'through father's papers'*).
> I'm trying to track down the circumstances of how my great-grandfather was 
> granted the US citizenship.  I've called the Consulate (they told me they 
> don't keep the paperwork after 20 years).  Recently while on a visit to 
> Washington, I went to the National Archives, where the archivists told me 
> they'd never heard anything like it -- and in fact, doubted my story until 
> I showed them the paperwork.  The other route I'm going to try, at their 
> suggestion, is the US State Dep't., but that could take years, ha.
> *Has anyone here had a similar circumstance, or have you heard of anything 
> like this?*  Or ideas of other ways to try to track it down?
> I am a complete novice at all this, so any and all tips/direction/advice 
> are warmly welcomed!
> all the best,
> di
> Diane Rezendes

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