On 19/01/07, Jeremy Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are numerous discussions about the licence fee and other issues
relating the BBC's purpose, activities, and funding on the "BBC" Points of
view message board.
There is also a bbc.co.uk section which at the moment has threads about
youtube, bbc message boards, big brother and the "censorship" of the have
your say section of BBC news.
There are frequent contributions from BBC hosts.

Jem Stone

I agree this is the wrong place to debate the ins and outs of subject,
however seeing as it has come up I would like to know if there are any plans
to FLOSS the beeb's current (or new) message board system, after all I've
payed for it, and I want to fork it into something usable, instead of the
current mess that's a worse experience than even PHPbb, and a disgrace to
our national broadcaster. I'll gladly  let the BBC have it back under a
BSD  style licence.

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