On 16/06/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

So production companies who ask to justify software freedom and file
sharing on the basis of how much money it makes are missing the point.
We must not restrict sharing because it is unethical. We must not use
proprietary software because it is unethical.

If you believe that there's some intrinsic ethical right to share content,
then you are fundamentally opposed to copyright as a whole.

In which case, there's no point in taking this conversation further, for two
reasons. First, you're also ethically opposed to the existence of the BBC -
an organisation which exists because copyright material exists, and secondly
because you will simply break any DRM (it doesn't work anyway, remember?)
and copy away anyway.

If you come from the perspective that copyright should not exist, then
frankly iPlayer and its ilk are irrelevant to you, and there's simply no
point discussing it.

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