On 16/06/07, vijay chopra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are many media people living in their London-centric bubble 
(a.k.amedia-land) who as Andy's email said, are totally ignorant of the basics 
modern technology. That isn't an insult, but a fact simply by virtue of the
fact that much of the general population couldn't tell you how a PC works
either. Those working in the media are no exception.

It's a mistake to assume that you have to know how a PC works in order to
understand the impact of technology on culture. It's rather like saying that
no one can be an urban planner without being able to also construct an
internal combustion engine.

Besides, if there are meeja prima donnas and wannabe luvvies (on this list
or otherwise)

No ad hominem attacks there, then. I could, of course, start talking about
arrogant techies who think they know it all - but I'll refrain.

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