*       Seven-day catch-up television over cable

        This is the existing Telewest-desiged cable TV STREAMING repeats
service that already exists and is in use.

Actually it's a trial.  I wouldn't expect people to widely know that,
because it was never labelled as a trial.  It launched as a trial in
order to feed into the Public Value Test for On Demand services.  I had
a tiny, diddy involvement in its launch.
iPlayer on Cable is NOT the above, as I previously said.  And I can say
that for the reasons I have said.  I won't bother to repeat them.


                *       Simulcast television over the internet

        Again, not the iPlayer, as you can find for yourself by clicking
on this link:

I'm afraid I don't know the official status of streamed live News 24.
However live streaming of BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four have all
been done.  As trials.  Nothing more.

                *       Non-digital rights management audio downloads
over the internet (aka podcasting)

        podcasting isn't the iPlayer either.

Actually they're trials.  In this case, it is mentioned on the
Podcasting page
"As part of a trial we're offering a selection of programmes and
highlights.. ."
Without the recent BBC Trust agreement for OnDemand proposals, podcasts
and Cable CatchUp TV would have be turned off at their trial end.  But
that's not going to happen because they got signed off and everyone is

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