No I hadn't, thanks for pointing it out. I used to be Senior Producer on
Online Voting at the BBC for a couple of years, and so I have some quite
strong opinions about when it is right to run an online vote and when
the correct reaction is "You did *what*?" - most of those views are
probably more suited to the pub than this mailing list ;-)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Butterworth
Sent: 26 September 2007 17:15
Subject: Re: [backstage] Voting data ideas

Did you read this?,,2175214,00.html


If you think the nation decides, think again

Via phone-in, vote and blog, a vocal minority appears to be speaking for
the silent majority 

Carol Sarler
Sunday September 23, 2007
The Observer <>  

Pity the poor BBC. No, come on: you really must when, to top all its
recent troubles, jobs are threatened over no greater or lesser a matter
than the naming of Blue Peter's bloody cat. The story so far goes that
the producers asked the audience to pick a name for the critter, but
when the votes were totted up, the winner - rumoured to have been either
'Pussy' or, apparently equally dodgy in street slang, 'Cookie' - was at
first deemed inappropriate, so they fibbed and declared victory for
'Socks'. Heaps of shame, tons of opprobrium, inquisition to follow. 

I do not blame the BBC for the fib, well-intended as it was to deflect
playground cackles. Nor do I think its fib was the greatest mendacity
involved: six-year-olds do not call their cats Pussy or Cookie, neither
do they have sufficient grasp of double entendre to do it for sport.
Good money says the votes were cast not by children at all, but by the
kind of people - indeed, probably the exact same people - who enjoy the
unparalleled hilarity of calling themselves Jedi on a census form. 

But that is why I do blame the BBC for offering the vote in the first
place, be it on Blue Peter, on Strictly Come Dancing or on any of the
rash of programming stunts that permit the bold declaration: 'You, the
nation, decides!' It sounds fearfully modern and embraces buzzwords like
'interactive' and 'inclusive'; in fact, all it is doing is adding to the
already alarming degree of power held by meaningless, self-selected

The communications media have always been especially susceptible to
these groups; broadcasters refer to switchboards being 'jammed with
complaints' that actually number perhaps 80 out of the 10 million who
watched a show. The 80 will have been agitated by a predictable pushing
of buttons - cussing, for instance - that matters greatly to them, but
little to the millions. By the same token, the Disgusteds of Tunbridge
Wells might muster only a dozen letters to the editor on a single
subject but, on a national newspaper, that is usually enough to
guarantee publication of at least one. So be it; t'was ever thus. 

These days, however, in what some like to believe is democratisation
ably assisted by technology, minority viewpoints are becoming jolly
noisy. The advent of phone-in radio has expanded to fill entire networks
24 hours a day, as small numbers of citizens snuggle up together, warmed
by the illusion that because their views are shared they are widely

Email has allowed for a massive growth in pyramid protest: if somebody
is thought to have committed insult, one person emails 10 who each email
10 more, passing on a cut-and-paste letter to the offending person or
organisation that then pings in by the hundred, regardless of how many
of the protesters ever saw or heard the original 'insult' (transsexuals
and Cliff Richard fans, for some reason, are particularly quick off the

In print, the web now facilitates and even encourages readers to enjoin
in dialogue. Last week, for example, I wrote a defence on these pages of
scientists trying to breed pigs which might one day provide hearts for
human transplant. Within hours, a reader had posted the warning that,
given our souls reside in our hearts, recipients would thus have the
souls of pigs. It matters not that you or I or a million other Observer
readers would know immediately that this is a chap to avoid at full
moon; he selected himself as a contributor to the blog, we did not. 

And so what? you cry. Shall we deny him his say? What manner of
libertarian would disallow a voice? Not this one, certainly:
pig-botherers notwithstanding, bring them on - the expansion of
communication is one of the attributes of this generation of which we
can be properly proud. 

But, and it is a big but, if self-selected samples of opinion are to
continue to expand, so should our caution in estimating their value.
Instead, we seem to be more, not less, slipshod in our interpretation to
the point where we confuse volume as in noise with volume as in

The eight out of 10 cat-owners who expressed a preference are now just
too clumsy to be bothered with. When Ant and Dec, or that breathy girl
from The X Factor, announce that 'the nation has chosen', they skip the
bit about 'the bunch of sad gits who stay home on Saturdays and waste
money on premium-rate telephone calls has chosen' (self included, by the

We devour survey results, careless of method: last week, a poll
'revealed' that two out of three people are unhappy. Now, leaving aside
that I'd give teeth to see how the questions were phrased, what this
actually meant was that two out of three people who have nobody more
interesting to talk to than a pollster are unhappy, a truth, I'd have
thought, by definition. Moreover, in their loneliness, these people
selected themselves as surely as throngs select themselves for focus

Those who make money from progressively fashionable focus groups boast
of their cross-sections of age, sex, race and so forth. But, again, they
overlook what really matters: that their guinea pigs are aliens from a
distant planet where a few tenners and a sticky bun are considered a
sane reward for the mind-numbing tedium that is an evening's focus

Even a jury's verdict is likely, now, to be the opinion of a
self-selected sample. Where once, in sterner times, a cross-section was
reasonably achievable as everyone did his duty, these days, limousine
liberals are adept at deferring jury service, leaving the defendant's
fate largely in the hands of the unemployed and the unemployable who
select themselves or, rather, fail to deselect themselves and are about
as socially representative as Diddly Squat. 

Self-selected samples, by and large, appear to relish their day in the
sun. But while markets and manipulators invest in research, surveys,
psychology, profiles and debriefings from the rising cacophony, it is a
curiosity that, quite possibly, the more we listen to what some people
say, the less we know about what - or even if - most people think. 

On 26/09/2007, Martin Belam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        Hi all, I have my BBC hat back on at the moment, and one of the
things I
        am working on is a project to do with online voting and ratings.

        Part of my brief is to explore how the BBC might utilise and
        information and data gathered via voting, and hopefully make a
        case for releasing it.
        So, whilst trying to avoid a response along the lines of "Can we
        all the data, in as many different formats as possible", I
wondered what
        kind of data would you like to play with, what formats would be
        what time intervals, and what can you imagine doing with it.
        When talking about voting data I'm thinking of examples like...
        The Daily Mini-Quiz on the Magazine - 
        Votes on local BBC sites -
        Votes on CBBC Newsround - 
        And also things like the Player Rater
        (which I can't find an open example of, I think you'll have to
have a
        look for them around 3pm on Saturday)
        What I'm interested in is hearing any ideas you might have about

        including that kind of data in prototypes, how you might track
it over
        time or by topic and so on.
        Just to be clear, this isn't a trawl for your IP so I can go and
        stuff built. It is so I can put into a document something along
        lines of - "And one of the reasons that releasing the data
direct to the
        web is a GOOD THING and the RIGHT THING to do is that it only
took n
        hours for the lovely BBC Backstage community to come up with x
        applications for the data"
        Ideas welcome on or off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        And please don't mention the Blue Peter cat....
        All the best, 
        Sent via the discussion group.  To
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Please email me back if you need any more help. 

Brian Butterworth 

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