On 05/12/2007, Matt Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see that quote on that page. Please don't misquote us :)

I apologise, it wasn't deliberate; the point however stands, what about

 freedom to run the program, for *any* purpose

(emphasis mine)?
 They comply with the rules, you don't like what they do, so you change the
rules. There's nothing stopping you changing the rules any time you see a
behavior you dislike

Tivo are restricting YOUR freedom to run the program for any purpose.
> You buy a Tivo, it runs free software - except that Tivo won't let you
> exercise your freedoms under the GPL. It won't let you run modified GPL
> licensed software on your own computer, which in this case is a Tivo.

Actually TIVO complied with the GPLv2 thus my rights under the GPL were

Are you really arguing that you should be free to oppress people if you
> desire?

No, but I don't see what TIVO did as oppression, I don't particularly like
what they did, but as I said before, software freedom should be the same as
free speech. I don't like what racists like Nick Griffin or Holocaust
deniers like David Irving say, but I would defend their right to say it;
similarly I will defend TIVOs rights to run free software in any way.


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