I second the clock, looks great. Nice redesign for a new era of the web.
Great the way that video and rich media has presecence now as it will be
used more and more in coming months I should think.
Few tweaks here and there, as mentioned the accessibility issues with
tabbing through content, and it should be great.


On Dec 18, 2007 11:14 AM, "~:'' ありがとうございました。" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I also like the initial effect, however...
> why is 50% of the space uneditable?
> seems contrary to sense,
> can't find any excuse for the obligatory large picture with 4
> choices, please remove, optionally of course ~:"
> the directory could also be editable, with a minimise and reset if
> desirable.
> why is radio not editable?
> the minimised buttons could be links, no...
> keyboard navigation isn't exactly intuitive, but does it work at all?
> the link order is weird in any case...
> with each area minimised, I tabbed to 'open' sport, hit enter, it
> opens, which is excellent, but then how can I tab through the links
> displayed?
> a huge congratulations on a significant benchmark.
> kind regards
> Jonathan Chetwynd
> Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet
> On 17 Dec 2007, at 17:37, Christopher Woods wrote:
> Wow, what a great job! First impressions are fantastic - clean, easy
> on the eye, very nice purple colour scheme and I very much like the
> rollover effects (the customisation aspect is nice, too).
> I'm glad to see that the clock has finally made a comeback - I
> remember a discussion about that a while ago (I think it was on here,
> wasn't it?) when the Flash-based BBC clocks were discussed, and
> someone at the beeb asked if they could use them for a forthcoming
> BBC project or something like that? I can't be bothered to go looking
> through my archives now to verify my poor memory, but nevertheless
> good job to all involved!
> The only things that need sorting are the slightly chubby 'headers'
> for the hideable sections, make them a little less tall, 10-15px less
> would do it I think. Also, no mouseover effects for the four showcase
> buttons underneath the main image?
> Ooo, love the effects when you customise stuff... All the swishing
> and swooping and modal dialogs when you set your location and BBC
> News version - I'm such a mug for a bit of web 2 goodness sometimes!
> I'm wondering how it degrades in older browsers though... Trying it
> on my WinMo 5 phone, at least it renders as a full single column by
> default in Pocket IE - LOADs of scrolling through images and layout
> stuff, but at least all the content is easily readable. None of the
> edit links work for customising the widgets, I'm guessing (hoping) a
> mobile-friendly version of the BBC homepage is coming soon - I'd be
> sorely tempted to change my homepage to the BBC frontpage for my
> phone if a 3G-, QVGA-friendly version was designed.
> Looking good for starters though! I don't know if there's anyone at
> the Beeb who is involved (or knows someone who's involved) in the
> frontpage redesign, but it's looking very promising and I'm quite
> pleased.
> I love the return of the clock, promise me that'll never go! :D
> -
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