Thanks guys for the feedback, the homepage beta team are watching the

btw did see the new world service home page - Maybe not as clever but very


Ian Forrester

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Senior Producer, BBC Backstage
BC5 C3, Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
p: +44 (0)2080083965
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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frank Wales
Sent: 18 December 2007 14:07
Subject: Re: [backstage] New BBC customisable homepage

To show my gratitude for this new beta page, I found some bugs:

In my rush to lose 'Sport' from the page, I clicked on the triangle
expose button at the left of the title bar, but found that it left the
heading there (don't know why I thought it would eliminate it, must be
my lack of experience at using these computer things).

So then I clicked on 'Edit' -- nothing changed.  Oo-er.

'Edit'. Nothing.   'Edit'. Nothing.

'Edit edit edit'  Nothing nothing nothing.

'Triangle'.  Sport window reopens, but now has a bunch of checkboxes at
the top.  A-ha!

So the bug is that 'Edit' should not do nothing at all when the content
of the panel is hidden, it should re-open the panel so that the
requested edit process can begin.

Alternatively, when the panel body is hidden, it should hide or grey-out
the 'Edit' button so it doesn't offer the chance to be an apparently
non-functional control.

(Also, you could save some real estate by switching 'Edit' to  'Cancel'
'Save' in place when edit mode is active, perhaps.)


Clicking 'Set your location' exposes a form that is partially obscured
by the big Sleigh/Twist/Garden/Tardis panel, so that the action buttons
cannot be read, and the typed input cannot be seen.  (Firefox
on Linux -- I can send screenshots if required.)


The text in the 'Directory' at the bottom of the page spills over the
bottom of the obligatory round-cornered box onto the grey area below,
making the bottom rows of text pretty illegible.


When clicking on the '?' by 'Blogs' when the Blogs heading is close to
the bottom edge of the screen, the pop-up box ought to appear above the
'?', so that its contents are actually visible.


Meanwhile, since you asked, here are some requests for features:

I'd like to be able to reorder sub-headings (such as news categories).

I'd like to be able to exclude certain radio stations, and I'd like to
have more than one available local station, and I'd like to have a list
of locations that I can switch between for the whole page.

Oh, and I'd like a pony (preferably one I didn't have to feed).

Feed!  An RSS feed of fixes and updates to the new page, too, I'd like,
please, thank you very much.
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