On 06/01/2008, Mr I Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So a little secret which can be revealed for 2008 (I meant to do a email
> about this and other things over xmas). We have setup a IRC server so we
> can have text talks with you guys and us in the future. Its not quite
> ready but I'm hoping to start using more things like IRC, Jabber,
> Skypecasts, Secondlife, etc to include even more of you no matter where
> you are.

Nice! :-)

IRC ought to have a logbot (http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot is a
perl one, example at http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2008-01-06 :-) so
the discussions are indexed by search engines and hopefully available
via RSS too for lurkers.

> This doesn't replace face to face but there would be some value in a
> follow up meeting being done over skypecast and face to face, with video
> for archiving.

Please don't refer to VoIP conference calls as "Skypecasts"; Astertisk
is more than capable of doing conference calls - eg
http://wiki.eclipse.org/Asterisk_Conference_Calls - and you shouldn't
endorse and recommend proprietary and unreliable Skype.

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