My cheapo Freeview PVR has an option to record a number of minutes either
side of a programme. That works for me.


Jason Cartwright
Web Specialist, EMEA Marketing

On Jan 22, 2008 1:59 PM, Brian Butterworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A small question.
> There are a number of occasions where the schedule on channels is NEVER as
> published!
> A good example the 10pm-10:30pm slot on BBC TWO.  Programmes in this slot
> actually start never earlier than 10:02pm and usually end at 10:32pm, with
> Newsnight starting at 10:33pm.
> The schedule is shown in the newspapers, on the BBC site, and (most
> importantly) fed to EPG (ie, Sky's and the one used by Windows Media Center)
> always says 10pm-10:30pm for whatever programme is on.
> Obviously the late start is because people often watch the news headlines
> on BBC ONE and then turn over to 'TWO for some entertainment, thus the
> delayed start.
> Also, the junction between the end of the regional news on BBC ONE matches
> the start of Newsnight, which also makes sense.
> I can understand for humans using the EPG, 10pm-10:30pm is good enough,
> but if you PVR anything (Sky+, Freeview Playback, WMC) in this slot you get
> an overrun from the previous programme and miss the end.
> Can something be done with the source data to fix this?

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