Right, I'll try Microsoft.  Thanks for everyone's help on this.


On 28/01/2008, Brian Butterworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I feel a bit dumb!
> I started looking at building a "theme" for iGoogle and thought that as
> you can get them to change based on the current local time, I would make a
> BBC ONE version for backstage.
> http://www.google.co.uk/ig?skin=http://www.ukfree.tv/igoogle/igoogle-theme0001.xml
> Consequently I went to look at the schedule feeds again, and I built a TV
> Anytime feed from:
> http://www0.rdthdo.bbc.co.uk/services/api/bbc.schedule.getProgrammes.html
> And then I had a look at the feed:
> http://tinyurl.com/3c4cb9
> And I note, for example:
> <ProgramURL>dvb://233a.1004.1044;[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]:29:44Z/PT00H30M</ProgramURL>
> That the time listed is 20:29:44 for example, then there is
> <PublishedStartTime>2008-01-28T20:30:00Z</PublishedStartTime>
> So, it's not a secret, it IS published and it looks like I need to get
> onto Microsoft and get them to use the right data!!!!
> Appreciate feedback about the iGoogle theme... I'm thinking that a BBC TV
> one that shows 1, 2, 3, 4 or  1, 2, CB, CB.  Is there a way to get a picture
> for each programme automatically?
> ---
> Brian

Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

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