Christopher Woods wrote:
        By BHX you mean Birmingham, right? (just doublechecking) And is
everything moving for News (studios AND live broadcast coordination, all
that stuff, and not just any one element of it?) Sorry if it's a stupid
question, but I've been following this story very inattentively, shame
on me. (One of the reasons I'm so interested is because it could also
work out nicely in my favour given my planned career path after I've
graduated next year). Is there anywhere where I can find a decent amount
of info about any planned move? (aside from the stuff rumbling around on
DS forums)

As others have already said BHX is the extension to London Broadcasting
House, apologies for the lapse into BBC TLAs. No idea what the site code
is for the Mailbox, if any does know then feel free to email me it -
because I can't find a list on Gateway :)
If you are interested in the construction of the new Broadcasting House,
the new home for BBC News and the World Service then there is a public
facing site here:
Gareth Davis | Production Systems Specialist
World Service Future Media, Digital Delivery Team - Part of BBC Global
News Division
* <>  *
702NE Bush House, Strand, London, WC2B 4PH

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