> What kit did the Beeb use, and what do they use now? (fascinated by the
> choices in tech)
> Also (off-topic slightly) does anybody know what kit the radio studios use for
> the automatic level ducking when a DJ's speaking over the intro / tail of a
> track? I've seen what looks like a sidechaining compressor in the background
> of some shots on programmes like Timelapse or suchlike (where a DJ's being
> interviewed in the studio), but this assumption is largely based on the
> visible LED activity on the front panel of the device when the DJ's seen
> speaking in shot (sat next to the broadcast mic at the desk). Unfortunately
> though the interesting stuff (the hardware!) has always never been in focus so
> I've not been able to identify the kit :( If someone knows someone who knows
> and can ask them, that's also quite acceptable ;)

I can¹t talk for network radio ­ but when I was on BBC Local Radio ­ we did
that with a fader!

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