On 25-Jan-2010, at 18:59, Barry Carlyon wrote:

> Surely tho some clever person will write a plugin for Firefox to enable the 
> H.264 codec, assuming they can get a version that will plugin/addon nicely....

As far as I know, FF provides no plugin interface for <video> and <audio> 

It’s been suggested, numerous times, mostly in the context of…

> I'd be more than happy to direct users to a site to download said plugin if 
> and when I get around to adding HTML5 Video to my project site....
> (have they finished the HTML 5 Spec yet?)

Short answer: “mostly”

Long answer, it doesn’t matter: it could be finished, locked, done, 
never-changing and be completely irrelevant, or it could be in a state of 
comparative flux but be well-supported enough that it’s a big deal. I think it 
sits somewhere between the two: just as with CSS3, you need to know what 
support is out there and how to degrade gracefully, and browsers don’t really 
implement stuff (at a basic level) which is subject to heavy amounts of change 
without explicitly making it clear that it’s incompatible (like with 
-webkit-border-radius and -moz-border-radius vs. border-radius in CSS). 

There are things that implementations certainly need to shore up, especially in 
the brand new things like <video> and <audio>, but this may well come about by 
consensus and end up in HTML 5.1 rather than anything else.

There’s a lot of good stuff in HTML5, though, even aside from the contentious 
bits, and some of it is quite well-suported already. I’m a big fan of the HTML5 
form elements, for example.


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