On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 18:51 +0200, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet)

> > Maybe the Plesk way of doing things would be to change the backuppc  
> > user (and ownership of everything related) to match the  
> > lemonbitbackup user that Plesk created.  Is this supposed to be  
> > something that saves you time...?
> Security software, like suexec, is almost never supposed to be  
> something that saves you time, right? Well, in the long run, yes,  
> because when setup properly it will save you a lot of time fixing  
> stuff.

Sounds like a typical policy vs. reality issue.  You can
scale things up by following a specific policy and repeating
procedures - until you want something different.  Then you

>  Shared hosting environments are jungles and I actually think  
> things like suexec are great. I've never had any problems with CGI  
> scripts and suexec. It always just worked out of the box. Installing  
> BackupPC was the first time I had to setuid a CGI script for a  
> parcticular user that is not the site user and now I can't seem to  
> get it to work. Which would be a pity, because BackupPC seems like it  
> would be perfect for my needs.

Backuppc's only requirement is that the cgi program runs as the
user that owns the rest of it's files.  If you already have a
mechanism to make that happen, use it instead of one that has
its own policy.  I'm guessing here, but I'd expect re-installing
backuppc with the user plesk wants to force (or carefully changing
ownership and the startup scripts) and removing the setuid mode
would work.  Otherwise, fire up a separate instance of httpd on
a different port so you don't have to fight with the other one.

Or, if you can trust Plesk not to undo your mods, either make
the Suexec user the one you want, or remove it and let the
perlsuid version take care of it.

  Les Mikesell

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