
For testing purposes, you may reduce the alarm period, but under practical circumstances, it must be large enough that it doesn't cut off backups that would finish, had they been given the time to collect enough file information. The behavior also depends on the transport mechanism you use, so sometimes a 5 minute timeout will be fine, but if you switch transports the host never completes, and vice-versa.

Chances are, if you're not getting data in the pc/<hostname>/new directory, there's something wrong. When you run at the command line, are there files in the 'new' subdirectory? Make sure you do this test as the backuppc user. Also, try to ssh to the remote host and check that you have proper file permissions. Something may have changed with the configuration since you set it up.

One last thing: check the host for any really, really deep directory structures that are new. It would be dated just after your last valid backup. If there's a directory with millions of files, or huge numbers of subdirectories full of files, it could seriously bog down rsync while it builds a file list, because it pulls that info into memory. With a small enough memory configuration, it may be virtual memory swapping on the host, making it take up to 100x longer than normal. With low enough disk space on the client, it may be hanging or thrashing the disk looking for a place to put the VM, making it even slower. Of course, the simple solution would be to exclude such a directory tree until the issue can be remedied.

Hope that helps,

Peter Nearing wrote:

When I ran the command line that it's trying, the data isn't coming, rsync is running on the client, but it stops there. The backuppc logs state that it's saving the data as a partial, tho. The ClientTimeout, may be it, I think I'll reduce it to something a lotta bit more sane... like 5 min... I hope this works.... but I'll let you know either way. Thanks for the quick reply.

Peter N.

On 3/15/07, *Ciarlotta, Aaron* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    You didn't say if it appeared as though data was coming across the
    wire or not.
This is possibly the culprit: *$Conf{ClientTimeout} = 72000;*

        Timeout in seconds when listening for the transport program's
        (smbclient, tar etc) stdout. If no output is received during
        this time, then it is assumed that something has wedged during
        a backup, and the backup is terminated.

        Note that stdout buffering combined with huge files being
        backed up could cause longish delays in the output from
        smbclient that BackupPC_dump sees, so in rare cases you might
        want to increase this value.

        Despite the name, this parameter sets the timeout for all
        transport methods (tar, smb etc).

    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>] *On Behalf
    Of *Peter Nearing
    *Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:50 PM
    *Subject:* [BackupPC-users] Problems with backuppc


       I'm Peter, and I have been using backuppc for about 8 months
    now, and I am an addict.... oops, wrong open.... anyway....

    I am a network admin for a prof. at Queens University, and I have
    8 computers that I backup using backuppc, using rsync over ssh.  I
    have recently ran into a problem with backuppc failing while
backing up one of my desktops, giving me the reason of sig ALARM. I was wondering if anyone else here has had this problem, and if
    so, what it's caused by.  The xfer seems to start fine, but after
    about 5 hours, it fails... originally I thought the problem maybe
    due to a partially corrupt filesystem, since I am using xfs, and
    it does crap out from time to time, but it would seem as though
    that isn't the case, as I have done a fsck on all the drives, and
    repaired the one error I got on the client.  I tried the backup
    again, and again it failed.  So now, I'm not so sure as to the
    problem.  If anyone has any suggestions, or knows why backuppc
    would be getting a sig alrm, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Oh and a huge thanks to the guys who made this great peice of

    Peter N.

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