Why not just make backuppc take a week or so to traverse the entire pool
using $Conf{BackupPCNightlyPeriod} = 7 or similar? Also you can use the
rsync option to limit bandwidth so it won't kill their outbound connections
using the --bwlimit=XX where XX is the speed in kB/sec to limit to.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Robin Lee Powell <
rlpow...@digitalkingdom.org> wrote:

> A customer we're backing up has a directory with ~500 subdirs and
> hundreds of GiB of data.  We're using BackupPC in rsync+ssh mode.
> As a first pass at breaking that up, I made a bunch of seperate host
> entries like /A/*0, /A/*1, ... (all the dirs have numeric names).
> That seems to select the right files, but it doesn't work because
> BackupPC ends up running a bunch of them at once, hammering that
> customer's machine.
> I could make those into share names, but I'm worried about running
> out of command-line argument space in that case; that is, that
> "rsync /A/*0" will at some point in the future expand to a hundred
> or more directories and break.
> What I want to do is have a bunch of shares like [ "/A", "/A", ...],
> and have something like:
> $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = {
>  "/A" => "/A/*0",
>  "/A" => "/A/*1",
>  "/A" => "/A/*2",
>  }
> But obviously that's not going to work.
> Does anyone have any other way to handle this?
> -Robin
> --
> http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
> Lojban (http://www.lojban.org/): The language in which "this parrot
> is dead" is "ti poi spitaki cu morsi", but "this sentence is false"
> is "na nei".   My personal page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/rlp/
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