On 5/25/2010 1:13 PM, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
>> That's a fantastic idea!  I don't even need to do anything
>> complicated; just use "lockfile /tmp/backuppc" OSLT, since I only
>> care about not overloading single hosts.
> There is a problem with it, though: it can lead to starvation.  I've
> got one host broken up into 10 or so backuppc jobs, and one of them
> has yet to run, 10 days later.  Each of the jobs takes about 6
> hours, which means it takes more than a day for them all to
> complete, which means 5+ jobs are always available to run, and that
> one just hasn't gotten lucky yet.
> Haven't come up with a good solution yet.

I always thought the scheduling was ordered by the time since the last 
backup or time since the backup was due - but I've never gotten far 
enough behind to tell.  Don't the backups that haven't completed the 
previous day start first?

   Les Mikesell


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