On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:14:48AM -0700, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 09:30:43PM +0000, John Rouillard wrote:
> > On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 02:04:46PM -0700, Robin Lee Powell
> > wrote:
> > > A customer we're backing up has a directory with ~500 subdirs
> > > and hundreds of GiB of data.  We're using BackupPC in
> > > rsync+ssh mode.
> > > 
> > > As a first pass at breaking that up, I made a bunch of
> > > seperate host entries like /A/*0, /A/*1, ... (all the dirs
> > > have numeric names).
> > > 
> > > That seems to select the right files, but it doesn't work
> > > because BackupPC ends up running a bunch of them at once,
> > > hammering that customer's machine.
> > 
> > You can set it up so only a few of those hosts will run at the
> > same time using
> > 
> >   $Conf{UserCmdCheckStatus} = 1;
> > 
> > and a $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}/$Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} that know the
> > host names and implement a counting semaphore to make sure only
> > some number of them are running at the same time. I posted a
> > longer sketch of how I limit the number of parallel backups to
> > remote sites in the archives some time ago.
> That's a fantastic idea!  I don't even need to do anything
> complicated; just use "lockfile /tmp/backuppc" OSLT, since I only
> care about not overloading single hosts.

There is a problem with it, though: it can lead to starvation.  I've
got one host broken up into 10 or so backuppc jobs, and one of them
has yet to run, 10 days later.  Each of the jobs takes about 6
hours, which means it takes more than a day for them all to
complete, which means 5+ jobs are always available to run, and that
one just hasn't gotten lucky yet.

Haven't come up with a good solution yet.


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