On 5/25/2010 2:19 PM, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
>>> It should take about 4 days to do all the jobs.  There's one job
>>> that is 10 days old.  Therefore I conclude that it's not doing
>>> the right thing.  :)
>> OK, agreed, but did you mention having some sort of custom lock
>> that limits concurrency?  If that looks like a failure the job
>> probably goes to the bottom of the list - and at startup, you
>> would probably always fail most of the oldest jobs that try to
>> start.
> Yep, there's a simple lockfile semaphore, so if there's a job
> already running then whatever other jobs on that host it tries will
> fail out.  At some point, though, there's no jobs running; at that
> point, the oldest should be tried first, and should not fail.
> That's what I'd expect, anyways.

Without looking at the code, I'd guess that it would go through the rest 
of the list first before retrying failed jobs - but that's just a guess. 
  Maybe it would help to lower $Conf{MaxBackups} if you haven't already.

   Les Mikesell


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