On 05/22/17 19:44, Xuo wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using BackupPC on my laptop when it is connected to my local 
> network at home.
> But, when I'm not at home (durin the work week), I don't know how to do.
> I'm not in some hotels, ... but in another flat (that I rent), where I 
> have a static IP and where I could open some ports if necessary (ssh, ...).
> I think I could define my laptop ip (on my BackupPC server 
> configuration) using my remote ip adress, but this wouldn't work when I 
> come back home.
> What should I do to perform these backups from my server (located at 
> home) to my laptop located either on my local network or remotely (on 
> internet).

Hi Xuo,

you could connect home using VPN. If configured properly, you may even
get the same internal IP as when you are at home.

Or, you could set up some internal DNS at home, that will return two A
records for your computer - both home and work IP addresses. Backuppc
(Or any other software) will then try both of them to connect.

Best Regards
        Vladislav Kurz

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