On Mon, 29 May 2017 20:56:01 +0200
Xuo <x...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Xuo,

> My pc is running Mageia5.
> I don't understand how a VPN connection could help solving my problem. 
> Could you please explain more in details ?

A VPN means either a roadwarrior (your itinerant laptop) can connect and
benefit from all machines of your LAN, or connect 2 LANs together (eg:
enterprise branches.)

This means, when you're connected to it, that your backuppc server can
reach your laptop in a secure mode (encrypted and possibly compressed
mode) as easily as if it was connected on the LAN @home.

As formerly said and because of the VPN nature (no same IP segment
messing), you'll be obliged to create 2 accounts on the server:

one with the DNS laptop name for LAN connections -  
ie: mylaptop.zatiluvsomuch, let's say it ==,
    (or directly if you do not have a home DNS),

and one based on the (fixed !) VPN IP address you use when away from home

Provided you backup daily @2000 AND your laptop is always connected at
this time whether you're home or away: will be saved if you're @home, will be saved when you're away from home,

nada will be saved, wherever you are, if you're not connected.
(although, there are rumors of the backuppc team working on a way to
backup data by telepathy, we can't give it much credits as it was issued
by the nsa - furthermore, this would imply you to read all files line by

To be short, VPN allowing a transparent connection, the only difference
with a pure LAN construction is the 2nd account needed.

> I understand the proposal from Johan Ehnberg setting 2 hosts, but I'd 
> prefer to avoid this.

You can't, or more likely, if you do so, you will enter the "dark side"
of routing (routing only part of the same IP segment), which is far from
easy, prone to (huge) errors and absolutely discouraged for beginners.
(but it can be a nice way to learn how to route correctly; if you choose
this way, make sure noting important gets out of your LAN.)


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