On 30/05/17 05:33, Bzzzz wrote:
On Mon, 29 May 2017 20:56:01 +0200
Xuo <x...@free.fr> wrote:

Hi Xuo,

My pc is running Mageia5.
I don't understand how a VPN connection could help solving my problem.
Could you please explain more in details ?
A VPN means either a roadwarrior (your itinerant laptop) can connect and
benefit from all machines of your LAN, or connect 2 LANs together (eg:
enterprise branches.)

This means, when you're connected to it, that your backuppc server can
reach your laptop in a secure mode (encrypted and possibly compressed
mode) as easily as if it was connected on the LAN @home.

As formerly said and because of the VPN nature (no same IP segment
messing), you'll be obliged to create 2 accounts on the server:

one with the DNS laptop name for LAN connections -
ie: mylaptop.zatiluvsomuch, let's say it ==,
     (or directly if you do not have a home DNS),

and one based on the (fixed !) VPN IP address you use when away from home

Provided you backup daily @2000 AND your laptop is always connected at
this time whether you're home or away: will be saved if you're @home, will be saved when you're away from home,
Wasn't there a recent extension to ClientNameAlias which allows multiple addresses to be used, which will be tried (in order), and the first found would run the backup? This seems a perfect use case for that, adding the local IP and the remote IP as the two aliases, hence only a single "host" in backuppc, consistent ordered backups all in one place.

PS, this probably only applies to BPC4.x and I forget what version the OP is using.


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