Thank you for the replies.
My pc is running Mageia5.
I don't understand how a VPN connection could help solving my problem. Could you please explain more in details ? I understand the proposal from Johan Ehnberg setting 2 hosts, but I'd prefer to avoid this.



Le 28/05/2017 à 21:21, Bzzzz a écrit :
On Sun, 28 May 2017 20:50:55 +0200
Xuo <x...@free.fr> wrote:

Le 22/051/2217 à 198.44, Xuo a écrit :

I am using BackupPC on my laptop when it is connected to my local
network at home.
But, when I'm not at home (durin the work week), I don't know how to
do. I'm not in some hotels, ... but in another flat (that I rent),
where I have a static IP and where I could open some ports if
necessary (ssh, ...).
If you're under Linux, use a VPN, such as: https://www.wireguard.io/ ;
under m$, duno (& don't care very much.)

I think I could define my laptop ip (on my BackupPC server
configuration) using my remote ip adress, but this wouldn't work
when I come back home.
This means you'll be obliged to reach your server through the VPN
connection when in a home-home configuration; so your VPN MUST be able
to connect like that and preferably not eating your CPU.

And this won't work, even if you know by advance the IP where your
laptop can be reached, unless you open a hole in the firewall &| adsl
box/modem in the home that host you.

What should I do to perform these backups from my server (located at
home) to my laptop located either on my local network or remotely
(on internet).
Notice that if you usually backuppc@1600Z, you'd better already be
connected at this particular time, unless you wanna shift it.

Under m$, this should be the same, however it depends greatly on your
user's permissions & groups, which can be quite a PITA and depends
on your setup and user's type - notice m$ VPN almost all have large
security problems.

Other possibility: in case of breakdown, ask the nsa a copy taken from
their last incursion ;-p)


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