Dave Sherohman wrote at about 10:54:55 +0100 on Friday, March 12, 2021:
 > On 3/11/21 4:49 PM, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 > > On 3/11/21 4:36 PM, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
 > >> Look at the code that I recently submitted to the group to streamline
 > >> creation/deletion of shadow backups.
 > >
 > > I saved those posts, but, honestly, I don't see the advantage of using 
 > > a large script for the per-host config files over having two lines to 
 > > set the pre/postdump commands.  Yes, the pre/postdump commands require 
 > > scripts to be installed on each target host, but those scripts come 
 > > along as part of the overall backuppc client installation that they 
 > > (presumably) need anyhow, in order for rsync and such to be available.
 > Despite having said that, I did still forward your mail to the windows 
 > admin, and he said that it looked like your method of handling the 
 > shadow volumes looked better than how the sourceforge client scripts 
 > were doing it, so we gave your script a shot and it looks like it worked 
 > without a hitch.  Thanks for the tip, and for the script!
That's great to hear!
Also, as per another thread, you needn't repeat the script for every
host instance. You should be able to either "load" the script from the
host file, reference it in the config.pl master file (with some
appropriate perl code if you want to retrict its usage to just some
hosts) or use my method of creating a general purpose hosts file for
Windows that specific Windows hosts can link to...

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