On 5/11/2022 01:04, G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users wrote:
Hi there,

On Fri, 4 Nov 2022, Mark Murawski wrote:

This is the most recently finished full backup [51] for /etc/ssl/private
There's no files in there!! Just directories!? Everything is missing

And it looks like the *entire* backup system looks like this.? I didn't
even know that my backups are completely broken and missing all files.

Incidentally I'm not sure that I'd want the 'backuppc' user to be able
to read private data normally only readable by root, but it's your call
and it might even be that you have it set up that way - I don't know.
FTAOD I'm just trying to help.

I just had to comment here....

I don't understand why you would NOT want backuppc to have at least read access to ALL data, including data only accessible to root. I assume you would not be suggesting that you run a separate backup system for each user, so why would you want to either:

1) Not backup root data
2) Run a separate backup solution just for root data

I guess this will go back to how you setup your data security etc, but regardless of what you do, I would strongly suggest you ensure ALL data is backed up (because it is always the unimportant file that needs to be restored most urgently and is critical).

So, for my, I use SSH + rsync to backup ALL target systems, and do that using the root user on the destination, and I simply use the same method for localhost.

As for advice, definitely, test your backups, make sure they work, verify by restoring some large enough sample of files and comparing the actual content matches what you would expect. One neat "feature request" would be to have BPC perform a "verify" where it would simply show all files that have changed since the last backup, ie, it does everything except adding changed/new files to the pool.

So, while I haven't followed the whole thread, consider posting your log and/or config for the host in question, along with output such as:

$ sudo ls -ld /etc /etc/ssl /etc/ssl/private /etc/ssl/private/*

Then we could provide additional guidance/suggestions.


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