On Tuesday 30 January 2007 16:53, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Not to be chomping at the bit here, but I guess questions that I have
> are 

> A) How hard is it likely to be to get this thing built for Windows? 

I don't think it will be hard, but I'm busy adding features to it to make it 
useful, so this will come later.

> I don't expect you to have an answer for that as I suppose Robert does
> most of the Windows work, but I'd be curious to know. 

Robert is definitely more expert at programming Window than I am or will ever 

> B) If anyone is 
> familiar with this, on Solaris, is there a set of files that one can add
> to a system that is relatively lightweight to support something like
> this? 

Other than the fact that Qt runs on Solaris, I know very little about Qt4 on 
Solaris, sorry. 

> Perhaps you have other KDE apps and know how this works. In my 
> experience, most distros want the qt libs package, but then that package
> wants about 30 others.

It requires a Qt4 development environment, which is the Qt4 runtime libraries 
and the Qt compile tools (qmake, moc, uic, ...)

> Thanks for any insights from the peanut gallery. I'd love to start using
> this, but would pass for the time being if it will require extensive
> dependency building.

The exact dependencies need to be determined.  I have a KDE desktop and 
development environment loaded on my machine and everything is there.  By the 
bat requires only Qt4 -- it does not use any of the KDE stuff.

> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > This is just to let you know that the Bacula GUI project to create a GUI
> > admin tool, now officially named bat, is well underway.  In a sense the
> > bat is now born and functions.  There remains a tremendous amount of
> > work, but the base is there -- a Qt graphical interface that connects to
> > the Director and allows you to input commands (approximately the same
> > functionality as bconsole with a more graphical user interface).
> >
> > Since this is a development project, my future emails on this subject
> > will be directed only to the bacula-devel list.
> >
> > If any of you would like to try it and make comments on it or
> > suggestions, you are welcome to build and test it.  As indicated above,
> > it is really pretty crude at the moment, though quite functional.  All
> > you need in addition to the Bacula CVS source code (with one new
> > directory src/qt-console) compiled and built is the Qt4 development
> > libraries.  Making it is rather simple but must be done by cd'ing into
> > the qt-console directory and entering "make".
> >
> > The project is now at the point where developers such as Christopher can
> > choose a part to work on and implement it without a lot of conflict with
> > the base code.  What needs to be done is really almost anything you can
> > imagine. I have a basic layout of the user interface as I imagine it, but
> > for the most part everything is still pretty much open.
> >
> > Below, I include a copy of the README file in the qt-console directory.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Kern
> >
> >
> > This directory contains the Bacula Admin Tool (bat).
> >
> > At the current time, the contents of this directory are under
> > development.  If you want to help, please contact Kern directly.
> > If you want to build it, you need Qt4 loaded and setup as your
> > default Qt or with the appropriate Qt Environment variables set.
> >
> > To build bat, you simply enter:
> >
> >   qmake
> >   make
> >
> > then to execute it
> >
> >   ./bat
> >
> > The qmake command needs to be entered only if you add a new file, in
> > which case, you should edit bat.pro and add the new filename
> > in the appropriate place.  In running qmake, it will build a new
> > Makefile, and there after, you simply use "make". In fact, providing
> > you edit bat.pro, doing a "make" will automatically call qmake to
> > rebuild the Makefile.
> >
> > Development status as of 29 Jan 07.
> >
> > Items implemented:
> > - Reads a basic bat.conf (same as documented for the gnome-console
> >    except that the Font part is unimplemented).
> > - Basic main window structure
> > - About dialog
> > - Quit menu item
> > - Connect button (initally shows disconnected) will connect to
> >   the first Director defined in the conf file.
> > - The Director name will appear in the Selection tree followed
> >   by Console and Restore.
> > - Clicking on Console brings forward the console display screen
> >   (default at startup).
> > - Clicking on Restore brings up a dummy two tab "restore" page.
> > - The command line is implemented.
> > - The status line (below the command line) is implemented.
> >
> > Items not implemented:
> > - None of the menu items except About, Quit.
> > - None of the tool bar icons except the connect/disconnect.
> > - Nothing on the restore page
> >
> > Design/implementation considerations:
> > - We need to have multiple Directors
> > - Each Director should have its own console
> > - The Console class needs to be a list or be attached to the
> >   currently active Director.
> > - Need icons in front of the Director.
> > - Need indication if a director is connected or not.
> > - The console page should be in a DockWidget so it can be removed
> >   from the main window.
> > - Need to figure out a good implementation of adding pages and even
> >   having plugins that load as pages.  Currently the page mechanism
> >   is a bit kludged.
> > - Each page should in principle be a separate designer .ui file
> >   Currently the two pages console, restore are part of main.ui,
> >   but they should be pulled out into their own .ui files.
> >
> > Design decisions:
> > - If possible all windows will be created with designer and have
> >   a name such as xxxForm i.e. the main window is MainForm and kept
> >   in main.ui.
> > - If possible all code for a particular component will be kept in
> >   and appropriate subdirectory.
> > - All private class variables are named "m_xxx" this makes it very
> >   clear if one is referencing a class variable or a local.
> > - All signal/slots are connected by explict code (most all are
> >   done in the MainWin constructor), rather than using designer.
> >
> > Major projects:
> > - Implement a restore page that does a directory tree restore selection
> >   much like wx-console does.
> > - Implement other restore interfaces such as brestore ...
> > - Implement a database browser
> > - Implement graphical commands that allow updating most aspects of
> >   the database (i.e. commands for label, update Volume, ...)
> > - Implement a resource (conf file) browser
> > - Implement a reports page -- e.g. something similar to bweb
> > - Implement Qt plugins to add new functionality to bat
> > - Implement a GUI configuration file editor (something like JBacula).
> > ...
> >
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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