
I get the following error messages when I restore two backup 
jobs simultaneously:

Error: attribs.c:409 File size of restored file /mnt/file1 not 
       correct. Original 340517841, restored 151715840.
Error: attribs.c:409 File size of restored file /mnt/file2 not
       correct. Original 283045352, restored 471781817.

Each backup job contains only one file (job 1 contains /mnt/file1 
and job 2 contains /mnt/file2). Both jobs share the same pool and the 
same file storage device and, that's important, are running  
simultaneously. Consequently the data of both backup jobs are stored 
in the same volume file. I use the bconsole to run the restore job 
and choose the option '3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to 
select' and enter the jobids of the two backup jobs.

If I restore each backup job separately no errors occur. The errors 
don't occur too, if I use data spooling for the backup. But that's 
not what I want.

I've tested the bacula versions 1.38.11 and 2.0.2 with linux (SLES9, 
SLES10 and debian etch) on x86 and amd64 PCs. The test setup is based 
on the bacula example config files with some modifications for 
running concurrent backup jobs. The errors are allways the same.

I get similar restore errors concerning the file size on my production 
system. I use a Qualstar tape library with two drives (AIT-3) and an 
autochanger. The daily backup consist of several jobs. Both drives 
are used for simultaneous backups but only one job writes to a drive 
at the same time (I've adjusted the parameters 'Maximum Concurrent 
Jobs' and 'Prefer Mounted Volumes' suitably). I have reduced the 
problem to the following setting:

The first backup job contains one file which fills up one tape to 40%. 
The second backup job contains one file too, and it has the size of 
120% of the tape capacity. I run both jobs simultaneously. The first 
job uses the first drive 1 with tape number 1, and the second job 
uses the second drive with the tape number 2. When the second job has 
filled the tape number 2, the autochanger changes the tape number 1 
(which is allready partially filled with the data from job 1) to the 
second drive and the second jobs is finished.

This mixture leads also to the allready mentioned restore problems. 
If I restore both backup jobs simultaneously with bconsole (only one 
drive is used for the restore) the size of the restored file from the 
second job is to small (about the size of the capacity of one tape), 
and the file from the first jobs is to large (about the size of the 
original file plus the missing part of the second job). If I run 
separated restore jobs (one for each backup job) everything is fine.

Is this a bug, or do I need some special settings to avoid the 
discribed problems?


Institut für Mathematik
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49 30 314 29283; FAX: ++49 30 314 29621

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