
On 4/3/2007 9:24 AM, Jérôme Massano wrote:
> Hello
> Thank you for your answer.
> Yes, I did read the installation documentation (INSTALL file). Actually,
> nothing about apache is written in brestore documentation. There is
> something about this in bweb documentation, but it is just to protect
> bweb installation :
> There is also something about mime types (text/brestore must be
> associated with brestore.pl), but I think I did it well (modified
> file /etc/mime.types - maybe in need to do something else for the mime
> types to be really associated with brestore ?)

I don't know much about bweb, but a little about apache :-)

You probably have to modify apache's own magic file which is usually not 
in /etc.

 From the apache manual:

MimeMagicFile Directive
Description:    Enable MIME-type determination based on file contents using 
the specified magic file
Syntax: MimeMagicFile file-path
Context:        server config, virtual host
Status: Extension
Module: mod_mime_magic

In other words, searcg for 'Magic' in your apache config and modify hat 


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