Mandag 28 maj 2007 13:44 skrev Arno Lehmann:
> Hi,
> and thanks for changing the subject line :-)
> On 5/28/2007 10:54 AM, Rich wrote:
> > On 2007.05.25. 23:13, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> > ...
> >
> >>> as for the method, what about using a wiki page for feature requests ?
> >>> that way permanent links to versions could be used for voting results,
> >>> but head could be used to add new ones, fix typos and so on.
> >>
> >> Yeah... well... difficult question.
> >>
> >> If you know a wiki system where you can do votes the way we always did
> >> them (or have good arguments for changing the voting process), I'm very
> >> open for suggestions :-)
> >
> > i was unable to subscribe to sourceforge lists for some time, but if i
> > understand correctly, voting is done by sending a mail to voting
> > address, right ?
> Yes, that's how we did it.
> > i would guess then a script calculates all the votes, and the result is
> > put up on the webpage.
> Not exactly... somone (up until the last time, Kern counted) counts the
> votes, and the results are then manually posted to the web page.
> As voting takes lace only about nce a yaer, that was reasonable.
> > making the result go in wiki (which would allow for easy updating), then
> > refer to particular revision for voting, and just put up results in
> > either a separate, or the same wiki page - that probably would not
> > change current voting process much.
> Well, as you see, it would :-)
> > all other suggested possibilities indeed seem to be a bit of an overkill
> > to me (unless any of them gets implemented for other reasons, like
> > bugzilla or something).
> > ...
> To clarify things a bit:
> Currently, I only plan to manage the feature requests and the voting
> process.
> For that purpose, I'm looking for a solution to collect and present
> feature requests, preferrably in the format they are in now (i.e.
> Description, detailed notes, status and people working on it). The
> voting functionality should be included, so that, for each voting
> period, any (registered) user can vote for a number of features, can
> assign weights to the votes, and the solution adds the votes up correctly.
> I'm not too eager to install a complete CMS plus add-ons, or bugzilla,
> or something similarly oversized. As of now, I don't see an out-of-the
> box solution, and I think that creating a tailored voting solution would
> not be unrealistic, but I'm still open for suggestions.
> Arno

I have a plone server - I have no experience with the polling/voting products, 
but there are a few:
and more:

It is normally quite easy to install a product, and also very easy to add a 
new site to the server and do some minor adaptations to the looks - clolour, 
logo etc

So asuming that there will not be heavy traffic I could host the list if you 
should favour that - only I'm in the process of upgrading the server - so it 
will only be possible to go into production some weeks from now



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