On Tuesday 11 September 2007 19:26, David Boyes wrote:
> > Couldn't the migrate capability be altered ever so slightly to allow
> > the "migration" of a job without purging the old job from the
> > catalog?  This would allow bitwise identical backup(s) to be created
> > without having to create a forking/muxing SD/FD.
> >
> > This, of course, does not create the identical backups at the same
> > instant in time, but it would solve the off-site backup problem with
> > much less effort.
> As I said, that wouldn't be sufficient to satisfy our auditors. YMMV. In
> our case (which IMHO isn't unusual in the enterprise space), if we can't
> stand up and say under penalty of perjury that the bits on volume A are
> the same exact bits on volume B, then it's not good enough and we stand
> a good chance of seeing jail time.
> Also, there is still a period of time where only one copy of the
> backed-up data exists; all the easy solutions to this problem don't
> address that requirement. If we could get away with that, we'd just
> duplicate the tapes outside of Bacula and be done with it. The related
> problem is how Bacula handles multiple locations where the file can be
> found, and how Bacula prioritizes restores. I have some interesting
> ideas on that when/if Kern gets time to think about the design for this
> stuff.
> There are some easier ways to deal with some of the symptoms of the
> problem. I think that if we start solving symptoms rather than the
> problem, we're going to waste a lot of effort, particularly testing
> time, on a partial solution that doesn't get Bacula to enterprise grade
> solution space. This is major surgery to Bacula; it's going to take a
> lot of testing resources to get this one right. I'd really rather see
> that testing done to get to the final solution.
> > This would allow me to backup to disk at night as usual.  Then once
> > the backups are done and the clients are freed up, the copy/migrate
> > job could run and copy the jobs to tape or an offsite pool.  The
> > migrate job would not involve the clients, so it wouldn't have to run
> > in the middle of the night.
> Assuming the connection between the SD and the offsite server doesn't
> run over the same network...8-)

So that it is clear, I like the idea of having a special SD that is a mux SD, 
or at least specify someplace that the particular Job can be muxed.  This 
resolves one of the major problems that has slowed this down: how to keep 
normal non-muxed jobs efficient.  Adding muxing adds a significant amount of 
overhead and complicates the code significantly ...

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