
06.11.2007 20:44,, Kern Sibbald wrote::

Thanks for clarifying this.

> On Monday 05 November 2007 13:12, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>>>> True. But chances might be better to find such a person if python was
>>>> left in... if we had it in Bacula (as long as possible - Bacula core
>>>> development might some day get incompatible with how python is
>>>> embedded today - ) that might be a starting point for someone who
>>>> knows python's inside well enough.
> There are problems with the embedded Python:
> 1. Very few people use it.

Possible. I wouldn't claim to know this, though :-) I suppose there 
are more users of it than we see here.

> 2. I think most people would prefer Perl

Actually, I start to prefer python - much more readable after a while, 
for part-time programmers like I am one.

> 3. It doesn't function perfectly since it is impossible to call certain 
> functions.  I forgot the details but it is pretty annoying.

Yes, that's something I and others noticed. In fact, this would need 
to be fixed - by someone who knows how.

> 4. The links always print warning messages because they continue for 
> something 
> like 4 versions now to use deprecated code for temp files that has security 
> problems.

Yes, I even reported this to you once :-)

> 5. The linking code is really quite complicated.

Hmm. I've been playing with embedding python into a C program, and 
found it reasonably straightforward. And that's from someone who 
ususally only uses ./configure && make && make install :-)

> 6. Python is single threaded, which means that if multiple Bacula threads try 
> to use Python at the same time, I have to block them allowing only one to run 
> at a time.

That's a serious problem, I think.

> 7. Given the above I would rather not support it -- and no one else is likely 
> to come forward and do so.

The support issue is probably the thing with the most weight here. But 
you wrote you "would rather not", so I assume if someone is found who 
will help you with it, your decision might change?

> Both Python and variables for LabelFormat are likely to remain in in the 
> initial 3.0 release.  Unless I have a Python replacement, which is unlikely.

So we can plan for about one year now. Good enough for me.


> Regards,
> Kern

Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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