On 11/21/07 9:02 AM, "Wes Hardaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Final word: I love bacula and wouldn't switch away from it if I had a
> choice.  But I'm still on the learning curve, and it isn't small.  But
> very very worth it.  Thanks again!

I've seen Bacula as an enterprise level product. Everything that I've done
that is enterprise level has had a steep learning curve and Bacula is no
different. It is extremely flexible, and to be able to separate the
components (dir, database and storage) is great and one of the strong points
I think. It also comes with the downside of a lot more configuration (you
have to get the dir, database and storage to all talk even if they are on
the same machine).

Anytime I start on some new enterprise thing, I always try and understand
the concept as much as possible before starting in the configuration. I
think once I dedicated the time to Bacula, I had it backing up 20 machines
(linux, Windows and Mac) using a LTO2 tape library on virtual hardware in
about 2 weeks. I contribute that to understanding the concept before I
started configuring. I had a student working with me and I had to teach him
the concepts so it helped me understand it better. I strongly suggest
teaching someone with whom you work about how Bacula works and you will
understand it better even if they don't use it.

I know Shon had it working before he moved it to production and then ran
into problems. I had my fair share of problems with we went to production as
well. Some things you just learn the hard way (like reloading the director
config while a job is running). Making sure you have enough disk space for
you SQL database, etc. Sometimes it just requires classes from the School of
Hard Knocks. That is where your experience can help others in the future,
either through the list or your revisions to the manual.

Stick with Bacula and you will be happy with it. Ask questions. I've asked
questions that no one has answered. Does that mean that the product stinks?
No, I've just done some things that no one has encountered and they didn't
have an answer for. Sometimes I've answered my own questions and posted back
to the list with the solution so that there is a history of it. This group
is very helpful if you ask.

Robert LeBlanc
College of Life Sciences Computer Support
Brigham Young University

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